Originally published at: Billionaire bails on Mormon Church, donates $600k to LGBTQ advocacy group | Boing Boing
Awesome. Nice work, Jeff.
Good for him; You Go, Glenn Coco!
They sure must miss his 10% tithe.
(That’s Massachusetts state legislator Betty Gay)
(think about it…)
Related question for the new Republican-Taliban U.S. Supreme Court:
“Is there anything in the U.S. Constitution forbidding polygamy, for reasons of ‘religious freedom’?”
Green said in his letter that most of the church’s members are “good people trying to do right” but that he believes “the church is actively and currently doing harm in the world.”
That could be said of a lot of denominations. Heck, I know a fair number of Baptists in the good people category.
In 3003, the Earth Supreme Court will rule that polygamy is constitutional.
Meanwhile, in this timeline:
I’m going to be “that guy” and say it’s not enough. $600,000 to a billionaire is the equivalent of .06¢ of $100.
Pity that 600K is a drop in the bucket compared to the hoard of dragon’s gold that the Mormons are sitting on. It’s basically a pyramid scheme where you don’t recruit the level below you, you create them, which is why Mormons have so many children.
Gosh, I hope he doesn’t go to hell. /s
Yeah, I was going to say: He’s a billionaire and couldn’t even manage a million? Weak.
There’s a lot of United Methodists in that pile as well; enough that there’s a schism taking place in slow motion at the general conference level. (they were supposed to meet in 2020 to hash things out, but that obviously didn’t happen, and I’m not sure if they did anything this year. Personally, I left the church a while ago for other reasons, but not because of the LGBTQIA+ issue.)
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