Billionaire Branson plans to beat Billionaire Bezos to space

You can read minds of billionaires! Wow! That’s a great party trick…

He can read their minds, apparently…


It certainly can be useful, especially at the right parties. :upside_down_face:

Yeah, the idea of Branson moving up the launch date to beat Bezos really gives me the willies. But then, the idea of anyone flying on that contraption gives me the willies. Just too many dubious technologies wrapped up in a design with too many different ways for things to go badly wrong with no way out.

Honestly, I wouldn’t take a free ticket to ride on SS2, and I’ve been a Space Fanboy since before Alan Shepard launched.

I’d happily ride New Shepard, though. Heck, I’d’ve happily ridden it several flights ago, if anyone was offering free tickets. Looks to me like a very cool, rock-solid spam-in-a-can carnival ride. :upside_down_face:

And probably no riskier than driving the freeway to get there. :wink:

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