Billionaire chronicles

Limpet mines don’t necessarily need a ferrous hull. They can also be attached with bolts or other means.

Sunken ships make great artificial reefs.

I understand the urge to reuse them for more humane use cases but these things need to be wiped off the face of the earth. If you don’t see them regularly, like I do (from the outside), you might not be fully aware how obscene they have become. There is no other word for it.

Luckily they come with support ships these days and those can be repurposed for all I care. They’d make great SAR or research vessels

(Yes, this fleet is all for one single person to get around. Yacht, yacht support vessel and tender)

(Expedition style yacht support vessel with submersible)

Just to hammer home my point that these things must die, here’s a few more images of yacht support vessels:

They call these things carried on the support vessels (jetskis, buggys, submersibles, airplanes, etc.) toys. Completely without self-awareness.

Really reducing your climate impact there with your sailing yacht followed by a 150 foot diesel-engined toy carrier.

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