Originally published at: Billionaire Hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman is furious that poor people have received tiny checks to keep their kids from starving | Boing Boing
Well the good news is that Reddit is gonna target him and Omega Advisors next
“Sitting home and getting checks from the government.” The only people getting checks like that right now are unemployed, either because of a global pandemic, or because people just like him manipulated the market and killed the company they work for.
People are trying to make money, which we’ve all been told is the reason the stock market exists. Of course, we’ve also been told the police are there to help you, that the justice system is fair, and he really does have a penis larger than four inches, honest.
Here’s one libertarian, anti-government intervention guy that wants to be the 1st to string up this entitled self-important ahole.
Hopefully this will be featured in a campaign ad, with a caption “This is what Republicans support. This guy.”
Why exactly should we care about you, Leon? Unless you don’t have enough money for food, shelter, and health care of course, but I strongly suspect you do. So I repeat, why?
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Money Is Wasted On The Rich
Who cares what he’s saying, I’m just horrified that this (according to Wikipedia) 77-year old man worth THREE BILLION DOLLARS is going to spend one second of his life thinking about this bullshit and zooming into CNBC to talk about it. YOU CAN AFFORD TO DO ANYTHING!!! ANYTHING AT ALL!!!
Christ, what an asshole
“It’s just a way of attacking wealthy people…”
- Someone whose existence is an attack on poor people
This guy is 77 years old and has enough money to be able to spend $1 million EVERY single day for next 9 years.
According to Wikipedia he has signed the The Giving Pledge, but I am getting the impression his heart is not in it.
And here I was hoping that he was furious because the checks weren’t larger…
Like, what the hell is he talking about? What is an attack on wealthy people? Most of those bills are going to corporations. “Fair share”? Like taxes? You fuckers have the lowest taxes in decades. Is there a longer clip so I can see WTF he is talking about?
Anything short of Scottish-level swearing is not going to be adequate to respond appropriately to this.
Not counting what he will “earn” from his investments.
Or he could spend half of that on himself, and use the other $500,000/day to support about 7000 families at the poverty level.
the idea that a “fair share” of the economy for the little guy is any more than they’ve already got
I thought this was not in the context of stimulus checks, but in the context of the Reddit traders outwitting folks like him with GameStop.
Corporate Welfare Queen Leon Cooperman. FACT!