Billionaire Hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman is furious that poor people have received tiny checks to keep their kids from starving

It seems like these people equate “hard work” with long hours (spent away from their partners, children, volunteerism and community involvement while actually having martini lunches with “VIPs”). Overwork ≠ working hard.


It’s so refreshing seeing an old white guy who grew up benefiting from a 90% marginal tax rate being invested in the national infrastructure complaining that, now that he “got his,” anything similar for the rest of us poor schmucks would destroy the country. I don’t see that enough at my family (socially distanced) get togethers. /s


Oh man, is Leon Cooperman upset that people want to tax the money he made on insider trading? Or is he really just mad that he can only trade with adult supervision since he was allowed to continue after settling the SEC lawsuit over his insider trading?


And yet this clueless plute will somehow still be surprised when he finds out the hard way there’s some non-zero Venn intersection of people who have seen this video and who have guillotines.


This guy is a raging scumbag, fine, but please come up with a better insult than one about dick size.


You paying a fair share of taxes is part of what “pulling together” looks like


Said the guy whose hedge fund gets mad when retail investors figure out the way they manipulate the market and turn the tables. Said the guy who, instead of just printing money by way of said market manipulation and for whom the rules do not apply, now he has to actually WORK for a living. But alas, does the Wallstreetbets community have a gun to point at the head of that spineless wanker Vladamir Tenev at Robinhood? No, but horrible people like Leon do. So, instead of adapting and working harder, or maybe not shorting more shares than ACTUALLY EXIST (I’m looking at you GME)–no, people like this PoS have the defense taken off the field while him and his cronies continue to play. I do not think people understand just how corrupt what happened today was. Do you read that correctly? Yes, you did. The institutional investors shorted stocks to the hilt like GME and AMC. The Reddit group figured out that if they bought those stocks, the greedy institutional investors who manipulated those prices so low would have to buy them back at margin call, but, because people were buying them and not covering, the stock prices went up. So, when those Reddit investors didn’t sell their shares, and the greedy Wall Street people then had to cover at a higher price, it made the SP skyrocket, even though the underlying fundamentals for a stock like GME is near worthless. So, what happened then, after churning this for a while until the Wall Street firms were losing BILLIONS due to a cycle they created? They had the primary source of these trades (Robinhood) stop buys on GME, AMC BB and a few others. But did they stop sales? No. Did they put any restriction on institutional investors? No.

I just want to say that if you hear anyone trashing the Wallstreetbets crowd as anything other than people trying to even the playing field, that person is the person if not directly, indirect screw John Q Taxpayer ever single moment he/she takes a breath. Sure, they’re foul mouthed and jerks. But then I doubt Wall Street is very PC either.

Note: Trump, in his efforts to deregulate, well, everything, zeroed right in on this very thing. He had Dodd Frank rendered toothless in June 2017–the very thing that could have kept this type of MM in check and may well have never happened. It’s funny, a lot of these clowns in the WSB community blame Biden for this too… Oh the irony.


A Masters Class in “Get off my lawn!”


It’s just a way of attacking wealthy people and I think it inappropriate and we all gotta work together and pull together."

Of all the ways of “attacking” wealthy people, it seems like this would be a preferable one, Leon.


Well some of them may have student loans that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy thanks In part to then-Senator Biden. (though I doubt that is fueling their blame of Pres. Biden in this case)

The only innovation from the financial industry in the last 40 years that benefited more people than it hurt was the ATM


Meanwhile, he sits at home doing nothing while collecting big fat checks for the virtue of having previously possessed money (most of which was not even his) to invest in stonks.


Does Biden’s $10K loan forgiveness count?


I want to scream in this assholes’ face in a locked room until my throat bleeds, and I lose my voice.

Helping people stay alive who are out of work and starving is a way of attacking you? 400,000+ dead, and I’m out of work because of a virus your orange shitstain encouraged people to spread like a living embodiment of plague hosts, causing a financial collapse from his mismanagement, and so I’m laid off, but YOU THINK I’M TO BLAME FOR YOUR SUFFERING???


We need a reverse Scrooge- because this asshole is MY surplus population!



Say what you will about billionaires, they’re the one group of people whose genuine belief in the Capitalist fairytale is actually justified by their lived experience. Unless you believe they’re better or smarter than normal people – which they aren’t – it’s quite plausible that they honestly don’t realise what an absurd lie their bootstraps horseshit is.

Of course, they would also have to be a total sociopath. But still, it’s easier to understand coming from this guy than from some debt-riddled jet-ski dealership owner who thinks Elon Musk is his colleague.

It follows, though, that billionaires are the last people on Earth whose opinions we should care about on this subject. It’s like interviewing a fiddler crab about public transportation.


He believes in the mythical high-rolling poor person, aka the Welfare Queen. That’s literally what he imagines is happening–people are using their welfare checks and food stamps to day trade as a way not to enrich themselves, but rather to attack him. He believes we all got together and used our pitiful hundreds of dollars to buy Gamestop stocks because we hate him specifically.


it’s hard to argue he wasn’t talking about people sitting at home getting checks when he complained about people sitting at home getting checks

it’s big hill to get over


Eat the rich!


And yet you persist.

my side of the argument is easy


Oh snap! I am keeping that if you don’t mind.