Bitcoin is the sewer rat of currencies

Those cases may or may not be relevant to Bitcoynes but are not relevant to AML/KYC

I’m not convinced his values are beyond “What I like is inherently superior and what I dislike is stupid.”

That class of values makes the one who holds them unhappy (and others around them), so it’s concerning, but it’s generally through self-reflection that there’s any hope of that getting sorted out, alas.

While there is considerable such overlap, the mapping of these pairs of sets is fairly far from perfectly one-to-one.

Quoting is currently broken on mobile, so bear with me:

Diamonds are laughable now (and still valuable), but weren’t then, at least not compared to gold, and like any bribe were useful mostly as sweeteners for not-unsympathetic officials. If you’re looking for anecdotes, there’s a current story on the BBC about the search for one if these officials so the survivors could find him.

Non-anecdotally, millions were murdered, so I think that is proof of bribery’s lack of general use. Noting that isn’t a condemnation of it’s use to save one’s life, and if that’s what you’re trying to pin on me, fuck that; that’s insulting.

Bribery by a few wasn’t used to stop deflation btw, a topic we’ve derailed from.

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