Bizarro Burberry hybrid coat/vest

Originally published at:

No plaid? They lost the chav market right there. :wink:

Are there still chavs, and if so, do they still favor knock-off Burberry?


Teh fuq???


Perfect for my Gregor Samsa cosplay!


Makes one look as if they are in the chrysalis stage.


For people with more money than sense.


Burberry has also somehow managed to ruin their signature product, the classic trench coat.


Who is this for? I would get it as a runway piece, but not as an actual sale item.

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This is what happens when you’ve forgotten (or abandoned) your brand and brand positioning.


I really love how nonplussed the models faces are on the Burberry site are.

“Really?!” they seem to be thinking, “who comes up with this shit…”

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It’s a camel hair/lobster tail jacket. The “cambster”?

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“You see Doctor, we will take over the Earth and there is little you can do.” Tune into BBC 1 and see how the Doctor defeats the Bugarians or…er… Insectors…

Seriously, it looks like a BBC prop for disguised/morphing Londoner’s who are actually alien earwigs who are attempting to take over the world by buying one property at a time, becoming landholders, but never living in the actual properties they own, less one small flat with many sub levels- the lowest one ending in a pool.

From: Original Image, Wiki Commons Dermaptera, poorly edited in Adobo Pohoto Shob- Just like Photo Shop, but different and less expensive, but mostly different, and totally worth the price.
[Edit to add earwig, references.]




This is a test, right?
Some sort of dare to see who buys these kinds of things?

Seeing this only confirms my lifelong opinion that a lot of “fashionable” stuff both on the runway (or red carpet) and off, like this coat, are a gag, a stunt perpetrated on humans outside the fashion world.


Roadmen are the equivalent now, at least in the South-East of England

And a misplaced sense of local pride insists that the proper spelling is charva.


Obviously the market for followers of LobsterDaddy is larger than I thought!

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You had to be there to understand but even that wouldn’t be enough unless you were a true upper-class twit. To a certain group of imbeciles this mashup would make perfect sense:it manages to be both expensive and ultimately useless. Many odd things can occur after centuries of inbreeding.

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Some modern fashion does escape the runway (usually years later), but for the most part these shows are just performative demonstrations of a brand’s supposed creativity for consumption within the industry and its media. This wasn’t always the case, though. If you look at old footage of fashion shows from the 1950s, for example, you see stuff that lots of real women (probably wealthy ones, but still) would actually wear to a party or event.

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My wife pointed out to me how quickly in the city the dangling hood would be filled with debris and snow kicked up by one’s feet.

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