ah, was wondering about that logo. a great hidden-in-plain-sight type of logo: generic enough to fit with any corporate graphics, yet it’s a pic of an obvious plant, after all!
Jesus. Tap dancing. Christ.
Is swiffer his sponsor? …or a local crime scene cleanup company?
Local chicken farm, I’d expect. Or possibly Lysol and Killz.
I watched the How to carve a Pumpkin one.
Sawzall and some forstner bits. Bandsaw if you have one.
Wait… How would a bandsaw work for carving a pumpkin? Or are we talking about the HowToBasic way of carving a pumpkin?
Personally, I’m partial to Kårving my initiåls intø the side øf å møøse with the shårpened end øf ån interspåce tøøthbrush. Mynd, the møøse bites kån be pretti nåsti.
You’ve never thought about cutting a pumpkin into 1/2" vertical slices, supporting each layer with toothpicks, and slicing a macabre face into the slightly post modern pumpkin skull?
Is that just me?
I tried google image searching what you described, but came up with something I think I like better:
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