Originally published at: Black God's Kiss bringing the world of pioneering female sword & sorcery author C.L. Moore to tabletop roleplaying | Boing Boing
This looks fantastic! I don’t play TTRPGs, but I’m a total sucker for this kind of art and universe. Thanks for sharing.
This looks neat. It sounds like the game is compatible with D&D 5e, or can be played standalone? It’s a little confusing from the description.
I’ve just had a deeks at the story, and that is indeed, some proto-grimdark. Ima go get the collection to read. Nice.
Wai’ which collection, the online edition of the game, or some book? Which retcons AD&D as being expensive books since 80 years ago lol.
The book. There’s a collection of her stories which I’ll get round to reading when I’ve finished the things I am reading (whenever that is).
C.L. Moore is one of the great names of early 20th century fantasy and SF. Her Northwest Smith stories, set in a Solar system with habitable Mars, Venus and various moons and asteroids, have a ton of atmosphere and weirdness, and are also well worth reading.
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