Black Lives Matter. Still

Glad for this outcome, and sad that it took so long. People keep asking about the good apples, and this just confirms they either turn or get pushed out of the barrel.


To me, this both is, and isn’t about Adam Toledo. It’s in response to this case, but I think we need to take this stance on all the sons (and daughters!) murdered by increasingly DGAF police (they never gave a fuck, but they used to pretend). Whether 15 or 50, we need to stop looking for excuses, stop believing cops.

People will use a vanishingly miniscule amount if false accusations to avoid believing women (and Black women most of all), but leap to take the word of cops who constant show us they lie.

We also need to examine how we share these videos. We don’t need to, anymore. Nobody should need to see the original footage to accept that cops lied. We know they do. There comes a point where it stops being awareness and turns into torture porn, where we become no different then those who turned out to watch a lynching. Because that’s what these killings are.

Let’s believe Black people and stop believing cops.


Hey, so, thought I would come share this. The arguably insane (I know about community guidelines, but I have some decent evidence) woman who lives down the street from me just walked down the street shouting loudly and gesticulating in front of my house. You know what I did not do? I did not go out there and agitate her or tell her she didn’t belong here or in any other way escalate the situation. It was so easy.
Now she’s safely back at home.
I don’t mean to draw any connection between race and sanity.
I do mean to draw a connection between being a fucking human being and not harassing people walking around.
The shit we see about BIPOC being harassed in everyday life is so easily avoided. Just don’t be an asshole.
Don’t let other people get away with being assholes.
(I know most of you here aren’t assholes. It’s why I like it here. Seeing my neighbor and thinking of this guy just brought it to a head for me.)


There needs to be a fundamental change in how policing is done in this country. Turn “Protect and Serve” into a legal obligation instead of copaganda. Police will be measured and compensated based on the safety and security of the people on their beat. If people on their beat are dying or being injured, their duty is to minimize that. Any person harmed or killed by police counts as 10x against them (maybe 100x; actuaries should be able to make that calculation precisely) in their metrics, regardless of whether that person was involved in criminal activity. Ultimately, there should be pretty strong incentives for police not to use force.




Yeah, it’s not a Southern thing, it’s a white privilege thing.

Just for context, this guy marched with the insurrectionists Jan 6 in DC, which, as I think about it, is just right.
This quote will sum it up:
“But it did make a very interesting confluence for racists and baiters to turn it into an opportunity to create a little more strife and division,” he said.

Racists: (n) One who calls out racist comments for being racist.
Baiters: (n) See “Racists”




We’ve talked about this topic before, but is never too much.

Black doctor speaks out about infant son’s death: Why Black babies are more at risk - ABC News (

In a study co-authored by Hardeman that was published last year, Black newborns’ in-hospital death rate was found to be 58% lower when Black newborns were cared for by Black physicians rather than white physicians, but remained higher than that of white newborns.

I put this quote in to forestall any victim blaming. If you change the race of the attending physician, the mortality for black infants drops. This duplicates results published earlier ( Race, Postoperative Complications, and Death in Apparently Healthy Children | American Academy of Pediatrics ( studying children hospitalized for surgical problems, Black physician attending the child resulted in decreased mortality among Black children, with no change in outcome for whites. Maybe white folks just don’t make very good doctors, hmm?


I know there’s a lot more going on here, but it always totally pisses me off when they call out the people being pulled over for “not complying,” when, why should anyone have to sit down on the ground because you told them to? It would be one thing if they said, “stay right there,” but to say, “sit down,” or “stand on one leg,” or whatever is just demeaning as hell. Nothing but a power move.
Those poor kids. Heartless officers.


Some positive news here. Shared this with a friend who’s a dermatologist.


This reminds me of something from The Amber Ruffin Show when she was talking about the rates at which Black drivers are pulled over by the police. The numbers change at night, when drivers can’t easily be seen. That’s a point against victim blaming by claiming the number of stops is because Black drivers were engaging in suspicious behavior.


That was awesome. I love her show.

It also made me go back to check the average cost for incarcerations:

It’s insane to me that so many are willing to pay $38k/yr to lock someone up for a non-violent, victimless crime, but unwilling to pay one quarter of that to help with food or childcare.
We are such a punitive society, and it costs us too much (financially, but mostly spiritually).


NLVPD claimed that they investigated the incident, writing Hollingsworth “initially refused to comply with requests and was briefly detained until police completed their investigation.”

You were trying to speak to a demonstrably deaf person, dumbass.


Oh, IKR?!? The policy they shared was that their officers make good attempts at communicating with people who “identify as deaf or hard of hearing.”? Ummm, handcuffing a deaf person while they’re trying to sign is not a very worthwhile attempt…

ETA: trying to speak to a deaf person (from your post) … from behind a mask! WTH?


that was an awesome video.

the kind of thing i think everybody should watch.

the latest episode of batwoman :slight_smile: featured a private prison owner bribing violent criminals with early release to blow up community centers in order to keep crime rates high ( and therefore the prisons filled. )

that sure wasn’t a plot i expected to see on tv.


There was something similar on Leverage back in the day. Corrupt private prison owner does corrupt things to keep the beds at full occupancy…


That’s more expensive than a year of tuition at University of Michigan. Education has exponential rates of return to society over incarceration. This alone should be the selling argument for tax-subsidized (ie -“free”) university education.


She’s not wrong:

“I’m going to fight with all of the people who stand for justice,” said Waters, who is Black. “We’ve got to get justice in this country and we cannot allow these killings to continue.”

Waters said: “We’ve got to stay on the street and we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.”

Of Chauvin, Waters said: “I hope we’re going to get a verdict that will say guilty, guilty, guilty. And if we don’t, we cannot go away.”

And of course, nothing she said comes close to the dangerous incitement and lies constantly said by Tromp and other far-right bloviators.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derek Chauvin Trial Thread