Blade buddy hones your razor after each use

Thanks for this.

Plenty of old denim around here.

So I’m supposed to spend $20 to extend the life of a ten cent blade (said the guy with the beard)?

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I have one of these in a sort of dense black rubber. Bought in the UK through The Guardian. Cost, say, $20. I use the expensive razor blade from Gillette which has five rows of blades. I strop every morning after shaving. One blade lasts me at least three months and seems to get smoother and sharper as I go along.
I think it one of the best money-saving – and face saving devices – I have ever bought. 60 odd years ago when I was in the British army I had a Rolls razor which worked on the same basis. One blade lasted two years.
Gareth Powell

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What, the old Rolls patent one where the case was a combination strop & hone with that flippy-flop action? Jesus. I use a straight-razor and those old Rolls jobs scare the shit out of me…

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