Blob of liquid floating in zero gravity

Zero gravity? Zero?

I vaguely recall that the ISS – being in low Earth orbit – is experiencing ~90% of the gravity it would experience if it were on the ground. So, why the floaty, poof-haired astronauts and liquid blobs? They’re in freefall.

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I think that’s pretty accurate, actually.

Not gonna work out the way you think:


I’m not sure we’ve learned anything here that a decent computer simulation couldn’t show us.

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Our universe in a nutshell.



(It is fitting for a Shoggoth based comment, that BB says “Body seems unclear, is it a sentence?”)


Well, that’s the rub. You’ve got to be at least fairly sure that your simulation is decent in the first place.


What exactly does steak taste like any way?


Thats no moon!

(hang on, maybe it is…)

The near sphere they had for a moment looked fantastic. I wanted to see a blue one with fluffy white bits and ice caps.

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We only experience gravity through reaction from the ground, and the ISS hasn’t hit it yet. It would be interesting to measure the gravity gradient across the ISS though.


Here’s a 1920x1080 screenshot of what I think is a cool moment - the large bubbles on the outside seem to orient themselves towards the corners of an octahedron, which makes sense to minimise surface area, but still cool to see. New desktop background for me anyhow. Full size link in case bbs scales it down:


Mentos and coke: the original Hypergolic propellant.



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Broiled cow.

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Nah, Tasty Wheat.

You might need more than a few minutes when the only way for it to lose heat is to radiate infra-red… Maybe paint it black first?

I keep saying that cows are basically concentrated grass and therefore technically safe for vegetarians.
Still, very few takers.


Just a tube for grass processing, right? Practically vegan.

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That’s what I’m talking about!
But will they listen to reason? Naaah.

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I’d love to see what a bubble artist could do in zero G.

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Space Coke.

Sheesh who’s got time to deal with digestion issues in microgravity? Or whether Coke gets to have yet another product placement in an extremely exclusive gig? I realize plenty of people don’t really drink coffee any more, especially when they can drink Coca Cola. Still, Space Coke? Hmm.

I can’t imagine Space Beer is likely to be any better if you can’t expel the backpressure gases. Ok, there are experiments successfully brewing very small batches … sure…


Space coffee…

Very pleased with how the engineering turned out on this machine. Nice explainer video has an overview of the Space Coffee Cup and man is it weird-looking. Fluid dynamics in microgravity are really strange and fascinating. Drinking coffee out of a bag is not so ideal. And the idea of snarfing scalding hot freshly brewed coffee or espresso blobs out of the air, in the ISS, is… probably not the first thing a crewmember wants to do after waking up, no matter what quality of sleep can be had on the ISS.

I can’t remember if Commander Scott Kelly (he’s featured in the OP video) mentions this in his book Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery but I seem to remember that Chris Hadfield mentioned in his book An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth that it’s hard to make stuff takes really flavorful in space, which is why Tabasco and other strong-tasting stuff is popular up there.

I can’t remember if it’s a combination of the in-pressure living space, the fact that bodily fluids tend to gather up in crewmembers’ heads and affect their sense of smell, or more.

I suppose the upside to having no sense of smell is that when you can’t really take a shower or bath in space, it’s not so hard on your roommates because no one can figure out how bad you smell. It does mean all the fire and smoke alarms better be working perfectly all the time aboard the ISS though.
