Blog view borked?

Is this the right place to report this issue:

A similar thing is happening at the top of /page/1 etc. This is on a 1st Gen iPad (iOS 5) in Safari.

Hmm, iOS5 and iPad 1 are quite old.

If I had the means I would upgrade, at least so I wouldn’t have to deal with… the astonishment of support staff who can’t cope with the idea of anyone using equipment older than a somewhat arbitrary date.

You’ve no idea how annoying that is, especially when I would like nothing better than a new(er) iPad, not to mention a desktop machine. Some of us have no choice in the matter, not if we want to continue to eat.

I don’t know what is so difficult about making sure that the site furniture will fit on an old iPad screen, but it fit before the latest site upgrade, so what’s changed?

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Couple new issues:

The site won’t conform to my browser’s width (~ 1150 px), adding a horizontal scroll bar. There doesn’t appear to be any extra-wide content that requires it, either.

The BBS view has hijacked my browser’s in-page search function. When I press ctrl-F it’s supposed to bring up Firefox’s own search utility, but now it forces me to use BoingBoing’s.

I’ve experienced the control/⌘-F issue for certainly longer than a few months, on Chrome mostly. The workaround I use is control-G to “find again”, which hasn’t yet been hijacked.


This only happens on topics with more than 20 posts. Not all posts are loaded in the browser, only the visible part of the stream, so the native browser find function won’t work as you expect.

That said you can press find key twice to override as needed.

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I got a weird one this evening. Between when a new post goes up on BB and the automatic post gets created here on BBS, the link on the bottom of the BB post’s javascript apparently can’t handle the null and reverts back to the old CSS.

HTTPS is now enabled on both BB and BBS. So the “https anywhere is interfering with stuff” problem should appear nevermore.


/ wince

Ordinarily this work wouldn’t be undertaken in a production environment.

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Your deep knowledge and expertise are appreciated and helpful.

ummm doesn’t ir eventually have to be done to production? unless you have the resources to swap out dev/prod regularly? and it is probably less pain to just update/upgrade production after testing is done…

(see also further up this very thread…)


Well obviously you need to issue the changes to production, but yes, after testing. I.e. You don’t tweak things on a live site and hope for the best.

Any time.

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