Boars, Gore, and Swords podcast covers Westworld sequel Futureworld

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Oh, man. I don’t know if I could listen to this.

Futureworld was one of the first movies I went to with great anticipation and ended up thinking, “man, this is cheap crap.”

I actually rewatched it (it was carried on ThisTV) a year or two back, and it looked even cheaper and came across as even stupider.

(I’m kind of afraid of watching the original movie, which rocked my 11 year old world. Afraid the Suck Fairy has gotten to it.)


I think the original movie still stands up, even after watching the excellently done HBO show. I concur with you on Futureworld - I rewatched it again recently (last month) after not having seen it for a bunch of years and forgetting about it… it’s so bad…

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But Peter Fonda!

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I have listened to every recap of that show of which I have not seen a single second and the recaps of the two movies that inspired it.

I hope Ivan and Red appreciate how much I love them.

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