Fortnite goes Waterworld

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Man. Waterworld. What a bad movie, though despite a lot of its flaws and quirks i’ve always regarded the premise itself of a flooded world that humans had to adapt to as an interesting one. I know its basically a Mad Max ripoff just on the open ocean but i like the concept behind it, would be curious to see what a more modern take on it would look like.


Right there with you. I would love a Mad Max: Fury Road- like sequel of Waterworld!


Dolphins with laserbeams.


It was a bad movie plagued by a terrible production concept: “Lets really film on the open water”.
Huge sets got pulped by a hurricane and the effects budgets overran. Ironically, Dennis Hopper was on his best behavior on set in decades.

Nowadays it would have relied on a lot of CGI and studio water tanks. Things which are much cheaper than huge floating sets that barely functioned and nearly killed the cast.


A follow up would have a much easier time if they did much more CG for sure, though i would certainly appreciate practical effects/sets. Honestly don’t know if they’d ever want to touch the property again considering how much of a bomb it was.


Probably not.

The Mad Max films were not big budget blockbusters production-wise, prior to Fury Road. Which is why they were so influential in the mid-late 80’s. Spawning so many low budget European rip offs. Doing it in a grand style was kind of doomed from the start.


``If you look at this, the cost of Pathfinder is the same as the cost of the movie ‘Waterworld,’ ’ Donna Shirley, manager of the Mars exploration program at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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Game Over. Please deposit 40 quarters.

Fortnite has jumped the shark.


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