Bob Dylan Accused of Sexual Abuse of 12 Year Old in 1965

I remember when Dylan got his Nobel Prize and Cohen fans I knew were really annoyed. Truth is Joni is my woman. She’s better than them all.


Fight me haters!

But seriously, none of the others madee cry, none of the others led me on a musical journey I’m still being educated by.

Irrelevant to child abuse. Fuck that. I knew he was a dick though.


How one feels about Dylan’s music feels kind of off topic here.

I mean, Thriller was an incredible album but that’s also entirely irrelevant to the crimes Michael Jackson was accused of.


Yeah. Thanks. I’m sorry for entertaining it.


I’ve been listening to the Carole King channel on Pandora, I love Carole but they play a lot of Joni Mitchell, I’ve always liked her mainstream stuff but I really am enjoying the stuff I’ve never heard until recently.

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Um, Mick Jagger comes to mind.

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I get that.

I’m just confused how he got popular in the first place.

Like everyone knows him as this famous folk singer/songwriter, but there really aren’t a whole lot of bangers, and his voice is basically repugnant.

How’d he even become enough of a celebrity to pull shit like this?

Like, how was he not just booed off stage all the time for sounding like a loose fan belt?

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Because art is subjective by its very nature?

When I come across a popular musician I don’t care for then I usually just change the channel instead of wasting time trying to puzzle out why some folks enjoy different music than I do.


She is the most impactful of her generation of artists for me. No question.


I wonder how Dylan’s arc might have played in the trajectory of popular music had Richard Farina lived.

Farina being both his friend and fellow Greenwich Village folk revival cohort - also seems to have had a penchant for younger partners - but at least he married Mimi Baez (not that that makes it commendable but the record indicates it was consensual/apparently legal - she was 17 at the time to his 26 - they had eloped to Paris).

Their music together (Richard and Mimi’s) far surpasses the now better known Dylan work in my book.

Rape. It’s called rape. If one of the “partners” is under age…


Published life and times a hazard or a benefit for the well documented song writer?


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