Bob Dylan biopic: "A Complete Unknown" looks promising

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Questionable timing for this movie. The boomers fought for equality and then canceled pensions for their children’s generation while putting the country in debt for wars. I wonder if the young generation is even interested in boomers or the 60s right now, and I also wonder if the boomers care about Timothee Chalamet?

I’m just an angry gen xer who typically doesn’t even enjoy biopics so I’m the wrong critic to ask.


You know that there’s a scene in there involving Dylan and Dave Van Ronk’s couch that had to be cut.

Well, as a fellow GenXer, i’m honestly looking forward to it. I like both Dylan and Chalomet, particularly Dylan’s early stuff.

As someone who grew up with Dylan starting in 1963, this seems superfluous, esp while he’s still alive and while all of his recordings are available for anyone to trace his career by actually listening to them. But I understand why this could be a good path for younger folks to understand the impact that Dylan had on popular music. I just hope they do this right: there’s a special place in cultural hell for the filmmakers if they blow it.

I think a definitive, extensive documentary with all of the live performances might be time better spent…

Unknown unknown or known unknown?

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