BoingBoing bbs's invitation feature

Can someone explain the invitation feature to me?

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Iā€™d start here.

ETA: This oneā€™s probably better.

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Thanks :blush:

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I canā€™t understand what weā€™d use it for here, but Discourse is not building just for happy mutants.


I only asked because I donā€™t remember ever seeing it before on my profile, and when I checked the badges it said none had been awarded yet. It left me a little befuddled.

I guess I never really thought about the fact that bbs is technically a separate service from boingboing and created by a private company. Its definitely the best forum setup I have ever run across, which makes me wonder what other online entities are using Discourseā€¦ but I guess thatā€™s a different topic. Anyways thanks for the quick response, I definitely feel like my question got answered. Thanks for being so helpful!


Trumpā€™s people.


you have to have achieved trust level 3 (regular) status before it appears. is it possible you only recently reached that trust level?


He appears to be TL2, though he could have formerly been TL3. If heā€™s not TL3 though, he wonā€™t even see the option.

But we can all see all the possible badges, like he said.

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I am not currently trust level 3 as @slybevel pointed out, and I have never been at trust level 3. However I definitely have a invite option that is fully visible, I thought it might be a error so I invited a old alt email, it worked. I am now officially further confused, halp me.

Edit- Proof: (Iā€™m sorry about the image share links, its the only way I know to share images on mac)

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lol paging @codinghorror

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Invites are TL2 ability and always have beenā€¦


I luv you.

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We also added a ā€œcopy linkā€ button to the invite dialog if youā€™d prefer to have invite links you can mail yourself, rather than having us email on your behalf, etc.

Reminder that

  • invites create an account on click, so the recipient can post immediately without having to go through the motions of signing up

  • people invited this way are attached to your account on the invites page

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Do you have any stats on how much ā€˜invitesā€™ get used?

ā€œZip on this siteā€, I believe is the answer. I seem to recall this being answered in the ā€˜Cancel my
Accountā€™ thread.

Boing has it enabled, but literally no-one uses it, and thatā€™s why no-one has the badge. Be the first!

That badge is relatively new, so it may not capture historic use.

The concept is you want your (presumably interested in topic X) buddy to reply to a topic that you know will be of interest to them, so they can click the link and post as soon as they arrive.

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Just tried to invite myself, but the link in the email just gives a blank page.


Link no worky.

I just saw the error log, and it seems like the email address you provided had double underscore in sequence (__). This broke the username generation code.

This is a valid bug and I have added this issue on my to-do list.