Boomers are news-illiterate couch vegetables stuck in front of their yelling, ad-saturated TVs

I send my shirts to a service.


Lol. Belatedly, so do I.


There’s not?

I know boomers and millennials basically outnumber us, but it still seems like a lot of folks were born during Gen X…


56 here. I watch 15 minutes of local news in the morning. I watch PBS evening news if I have time. The only news show I watch religiously is Rachel Maddow but I DVR since I can’t stand commercials. I get most of my news online, Daily Beast, VOX, Politico since they tend to have in-depth articles.

I like reading my news because it takes more effort and improves vocabulary. Gotta keep the grey matter in tune! Watching too much tv dulls the mind.


I have to disagree with this. The “Boomers are evil”, or at least the associated “Boomers are using up everything and not thinking about the future”, idea was around among my Gen-X peers before millennials were considered a thing.


We have been called snowflakes since before millennials were a thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe Gen X was the problem all along.


I’m 33, i scan the front page of Yahoo when i’m bored mainly to get a sense of what’s going on a given day. Anything interesting or really important i know will pop up not just there but also in other sites. Boing Boing i frequent to help fill in the gaps, there’s some news but i like having the variety of interesting things/products, science driven content, art, etc.

Video-wise i watch Philip DeFranco on youtube, it’s not comprehensive but he tries to be fairly impartial about what news he does cover and he is very up front on what his actual opinion on something is. Also like that he’s open to dialogue and having his opinion changed or challenged.

The irony is that this is true of every older generation’s gripes about the younger generations.


I know someone who is a (very late) boomer, and believes that they are the real snowflake generation.

If the Strauss–Howe generational theory is right about this, then millennials aren’t individualist enough be be a snowflake generation.


I realize this is technically a logical fallacy, but the fact that Steve Bannon is a proponent of that theory is enough to make me doubt it.


Boomers are news-illiterate couch vegetables stuck in front of their yelling, ad-saturated TVs

And that’s being kind.


There are plenty of reasons to doubt it, but I suspect that most of the people criticising millennials believe it. They are ignorant about the 80 year cycle and what it says about millennials though (community minded, will stop a crisis caused by people of the previous generations. Basically, we’re expected to go and stop a bunch of racists. AGAIN.)


Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires’. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt. (Horace, Odes III, ~25 BCE)


They’re not illiterate. They’re aliterate


Ya got me…
…this is going to be a hard one.


Obligatory XKCD:


Yes,PBS news hour is much better, as is BBC news hour, but I’m long in the habit of not fitting evening news into my day.

I suppose that, being a Gen Xer, I’ve had the good fortune to have steered a middle course. I find TV news useless and sensationalist (although that’s mostly the result of having spent several years working in that particular sausage factory), but I would also not rely on social networks like Twitter and Facebook to get my news. I build my own news feeds from reputable sources using an RSS reader, listen to public radio and quality podcasts, and supplement with raw video clips as necessary. It works well enough – if it didn’t my career would have ended years ago.


As they always are. Generals don’t die in battle.

The name of my new rock band etc.