Bottle breaking ASMR is wasteful, but oh-so-satisfying

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It’s funny, these kinds of bottle breaking videos work as sort of *anti-*ASMR for me, the almost perfect inverse of what ASMR does (for me, anyways). They’re disquieting and anxiety-provoking, but in a subtle way. But I also run across them frequently, and find it hard to look away…


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Wasteful stuff like that never feels satisfying to me. I find this so disturbing. Must be my upbringing, breaking stuff just for the fun of it was never ok in my family.

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Watching the videos, the splashes of color and bang-bang-bang remind me of aerial fireworks displays.

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Yeah, and in my old neighborhood, it could also get you arrested. Now, in my new neighborhood, to carry this out, you’d still need a permit, a safety plan, and personal protective equipment.

The headline is leaning too much on the ASMR quality. Just how many viewers experience a genuine ASMR reflex when seeing this? I liked the different videos and the sounds of the series of liquid-filled bombs away, but it just does nothing else for me beyond a simple amusement, wasteful, as lizard-of-oz say.


I dunno, but I do see them labeled as such, sometimes (though mostly I run across them unlabeled, so I don’t know how common that is). And I can see how it might work that way for some people, or at least be confused for it, given that it seems to exist on the same axis as ASMR, just on the other end of it…

Or, it could be that a lot of people making these videos have no idea what ASMR is. Kind of like how about 90% of the TikTok videos I’ve seen with POV in the title are clearly not POV videos.

I was thinking the same thing. I thought, “Ooh, it’s like 2-D fireworks!”


I do love the sound of empty bottles breaking.

Yeah, there’s is that, too - there are a lot of “ASMR” videos that aren’t, though I always assumed some of that is just because “ASRM” is a popular tag, so there’s a benefit to mislabeling…

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