Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/03/05/boy-10-years-old-fires-gun.html
Shed control rights groups grow nervous.
It’s a sorry state of affairs that the fact that no one died this time makes it notably better than the unusual outcome.
Don’t worry folks, conservatives will blame Fortnite for the standoff instead of how INCREDIBLY EASY IT WAS for a 10 year old to get ahold of a shotgun.
A totally normal thing that happens all the time in civilized countries.
Thankfully no one was hurt. This time.
Lock up your guns. Goes double if you have kids in the house.
Don’t call the cops on your kid.
I’m not sure which of these should be more obvious.
If you have a child subject to “an emotional and mental crisis,” why do you also have an easily accessible shotgun, for God’s sake? For that matter, if you have a child why the fuck do you have an easily accessible shotgun? No doubt this will be a “no true responsible gun owner” ting, but the fact is, if you don’t have your gun locked up and inaccessible, you are not a responsible gun owner!
I’m sure they’ll also blame whoever owned the gun. So do I, for that matter.
A police lieutenant commended the “extreme restraint” shown by officers not to return fire when the boy turned the shotgun on them.
Almost a miracle, one would think these days. Although I’m tempted to speculate that this may have had something to do with it:
If your kid is holed up with weapons including a gun, likely making threats, what would you recommend? Bearing in mind, many mass shooting by children begin with the parents getting murdered.
I’m sure the kid was white since he survived the encounter.
Sadly, “liking” your post multiple times merely toggles it =/.
A shotgun blast and two-hour standoff? I hope the kid gets the help he needs. I also wish Tamir Rice had been shown the same restraint by police. A Cleveland cop shot him less than three seconds after arriving at the scene.
Remember: the only thing that can stop a child with a gun is a whole nation full of children with guns.
In some families, a 10 year old boy has ready access to his own weapons cache. Some good friends of the family were like that.
We are now truly nose deep in The Age of Relativism.
I mean, I had a pellet gun and a wrist rocket when I was that age, and I knew one kid who had a .22, when he was about 12, but even out where I grew up, most people didn’t leave their guns just lying around.