Brazil: state of Bahia to test Russia coronavirus vaccine, will buy 50 million doses

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Just the genocide Russia and Bolsonaro were looking for.


Double bonus: a botched vaccine would undermine confidence in any potential vaccine in the states and reinforce an already fragile paranoid anti-vaxer / Q-Anon / conspiracy theorist electorate.


Exactly. Putin must think all his birthdays have come at once.


They’ve tested it on a whole 38 people so far, what could go wrong?


But, in this particular situation, the anti-vaxxers would have a case!

We truly live in the worst of all possible Abed die rolls.


They are just doing trials right now.
With mass vaccinations beginning in Russia, by November this will be the most throughly tested of the vaccine candidates. Including testing on elderly, those with existing health problems, all kinds of conditions. It’ll be unfortunate for Russians if there is a problem. If there isn’t though, the Brazilians can be pretty confident.

How can the testing be thorough if it is being done so fast? No time is being allowed for delayed side effects.


The state of Paraná had already signed an agreement with the Russians in August.
According to a local newspaper, testing is expected to begin within 45 days.


I have not seen any end dates for the Phase 3 so it may be fast or slow. Not like good old Warp Speed.

Or it would be if we had any faith in Russia accurately reporting lab results. This is the country that covered up Chernobyl until Swedish weather reports detected radioactivity. This is the country that cheated Olympic drug testing on an industrial level, using the KGB/FSB to do it. There is a tremendous loss of face if the vaccine fails, so they have every incentive to report positive results and fudge negative results. There is no reason to trust anything they say that isn’t verified by an outside source. And Brazil/Bolsonaro isn’t that source, either.


The poor people of Brazil deserve so much better than this caught, between Putin and Bolsonaro. I wish you the best and hope the joy of life can return to your country.


I wonder if the kickback is in Real or Rubles?

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Well, only one of those of is a real currency, but I suppose Putin’s computer monkeys can steal reals as easily as dollars.

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Fake rubles.


The tests of the vaccine developed by the University of Oxford against Covid-19 are resumed in Brazil on Monday, says American laboratory.

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