'Breaking Bad,' Season 5, Episode 11, 'Confessions': review

It’s confusing because Walt’s original plan was so complicated: have Saul lift the ricin off Jesse, poison Brock with something that results in similar symptoms, have Jesse suspect him only to argue that he’s got no reason to do that, and finger Gus instead (saying that Gus took the cigarette and made it look like Walt’s doing in order to cause a rift between the two)…so he could cause a rift between Jesse and Gus. After Gus’ death and the revelation that it was actually LOTV, Walt alleges that it had just been a coincidence, but Gus needed to go anyway, finally “rediscovering” the cigarette to tie everything up. Jesse actually got this scheme right when he confronted Walt back in season 4 (including Saul’s ricin-stealing part), intermittently bought into Walt’s bullshit as usual, but now figured out that he’d been right all along. Which substance poisoned Brock was irrelevant, he just realized that Saul taking the cigarette only made sense when Walt was the culprit, and it had to be gone for Walt’s story to check out.


I don’t think there’s any question that Huell took some off the top. The knowing glance he exchanged with the Simon-Pegg-lookalike after they said it was all there was unmistakeable.

Even if W.W is the smartest guy in the room, he cannot plan what Jesse is now doing.
And the ending is exactly that what is happening …What about gasoline, does it burn lottery tickets? :slight_smile:

But we have seen the house unburned in the future.

Now that would be some impressive chemistry.

Ah, see, I’d forgotten a few details about Walt’s plan (apparently I need to go back and re-watch season 4). I’d forgotten that Walt tried to pin the poisoning on Gus, which now that he’s gone, the drugs disappearing in the same fashion as the ricin cigarette does seem suspicious. Thanks for the reminder!

Let me revise. Now that Jesse is off-the-leash on Walt’s property, my bet is he’ll find the potted Lily of the Valley, at which point, holy shit. If Walt doesn’t end up killing him (possibly even in self-defense), Jesse might even cooperate with Hank.

I may be falling for a little trap, or it might be nothing, but I noticed that Hank turned off the camera in the interrogation room, and then when Saul arrived they went a little out of their way to show Saul turning it off also… meaning he might have turned it back on. He even turned it sideways so we couldn’t see if the red light went on.

Considering what Saul and Jesse then talked about (Walt is mentioned by name as I recall), that could be a big problem when the cops review the tape.

If you remember, Walt bagged and trashed the plant. Pot and all.

I see what you did there.

ah, you’re right. well, shucks.

That ‘look alike’ would be Bill Burr. A very talented stand up comedian and actor who has been working for about the same amount of time as Simon has.

A little respect please.

And to your other point, Walt even said to them seeing that glance ‘close enough.’ Plus he really doesn’t even know how much there is. Skylar didn’t even know when she first showed him the pile of money.

Yah, I had to go check back on the mid-season opener right after I watched this one to check. The house is derelict and full of graffiti, but definitely not burned. So either Jesse never lights it up or Walt gets it repaired to look exactly like it did (unlikely.)

I just guess I am bothered that instead of taking the time to look him up or just refer to his character name (it’s Kuby btw) you had to just refer to him as someone else.

There are a lot of low points in Walt’s moral degeneration, but using his cancer relapse to manipulate his own son like that was pretty high/low on the list.

One thing I’m wondering about is just how much Hank (and Marie) suspect about Skyler’s involvement. How long will it be before they realise that she is the one running the money-laundering side of the business? Will Hank end up going the “Al Capone” route and start chasing after the money instead of the meth?

And the whole thing with the ongoing meth operation, Todd, Lydia and crazy-Nazi-uncle? That ain’t gonna end well either.

Even if Walt hadn’t already destroyed the plant, what difference would it make? Jesse has already worked out that Walt poisoned Brock.

I realized that in the shower this morning. In fact, I actually said aloud “The lottery ticket!” (Which sucked, because I then had to explain the storyline to a very puzzled cat and was almost late for work as a result.)

I think Saul was just double checking it was off. While every action might be Chekhov’s gun, I think there’s already too much going on.