Nine minute Breaking Bad supercut (spoilers!), and "Betting Bad," online game to speculate final outcomes

[SPOILERS IN THESE VIDEOS!] The AMC dramatic series Breaking Bad returns on August 11 for its final episodes, and Boing Boing video collaborator Joe Sabia has built a very cool project for trufans to enjoy. Above, “9 Minute Breaking Bad,” a supercut of every Breaking Bad episode to date. I did this with my childhood… READ THE REST

There is also the Breaking Bad “The Home Game” you can play:

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The page uses facebook to login, maybe if they implement twitter login or simple user and password i can save my bets, damn!!! don’t want to give my information to the NSA or zuckeberg


My theory: everybody dies of ricin poisoning. Hank, Walt, Jesse, Saul, Skyler, Marie, Walt Jr., Beneke, that guy who keeps fixing Walt’s car, EVERYBODY.


This makes me realize how many plot threads I’d lost track of. I want one of these for all of the multi-season multi-character complexly-plotted TV series that I’m addicted to!

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Sorry - this is a passion project with limited resources and we’re trying to make this as streamlined as possible!


Having finally gotten around to watching the series, which led to a marathon of watching everything from the first episode up to the most recent episode in just under three months I don’t know if I want to even speculate, or listen to others speculate, about how the series will wrap-up.

For me most of the pleasure of watching an episode of “Breaking Bad” has always been spending forty-four minutes thinking how much it’s like a finely presented Shakespearean tragedy, followed by suddenly jumping up and down screaming, “HOLY SHIT! THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN! I DIDN’T EXPECT THAT! START THE NEXT EPISODE!” while the credits roll.

Except now you’ll get to wait a week between episodes like everybody else. You’re welcome.

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My original plan, before I even started watching, was to spread it out enough that I’d finish the fourth season by the time the fifth season was already available. At the time I thought, “How much am I gonna watch at any given time?” I look back on how young and innocent I was and laugh.

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Yes the whole airplane crash thing was quite ridiculous.

Walter discovers Google. Googles Tor. Lives happily ever after.

This, from @carlyken on Twitter. (Which I am also nominating as Funniest Tweet of 2013.)

What if at the end of Breaking Bad they drop Bryan Cranston into witness protection and that’s the beginning of Malcolm In The Middle?


No, you’re thinking of Hamlet.

Like many jokes on Twitter I have seen that one recycled a number of times, so I’d be careful about sourcing it to the original.

Hah. Three months was taking your time, in my book ; )

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