'Breaking Bad,' Season 5, Episode 13, 'To'hajiilee': review

A couple comments about this episode:

  1. In the review, saying that Walt is “making up excuses” about how he “killed all those people to protect Jesse” - he did, actually, kill those two drug dealers to protect Jesse. Because if he had let Jesse kill them, Gus would have had NO problem killing Jesse. But because Walt did it, he had to keep Walt alive. If Walt didn’t actually care about Jesse, there would have been MULTIPLE times across the course of the show where Walt’s life would have been so much less complicated if he’d just let him die in one way or another.

  2. I have a pretty good feeling about my prediction about what’s going to happen with Walt and his BFG in the flashforwards. I’m still pretty confident that he’s coming back to save Jesse from the skinhead gang. But now I’m thinking it might be Jesse and Hank that he’s coming back to save. But I do feel like Gomey is going to end up the redshirt in this episode.

And I’ve seen people saying “Why didn’t he just let them take out Hank” - Walt has shown the same reluctance around Hank that he did with Jesse throughout the whole show. He could have had them take out Hank as soon as he found out about Hank’s epiphany, but he didn’t. Walt might be a complete sociopath, but he still has all these noble ideas in his head about protecting family, etc, and he really did think of Jesse (and Hank) as family. He was hoping that he was smart enough to not be able to be caught by Hank, and didn’t want to kill him.

But really, I think there are still more twists coming. The only death I really see happening here is Gomez.