Brief history of Star Trek video games

The article calls it a “text adventure,” which doesn’t seem quite right either. Advent is generally considered the first text adventure, and that came a couple years later.


Phfft, I’d be happy with a mod for Age of Empires II or Starcrsfy II, that lets me play as Humans, Borg, Romulans, and Klingons.

Man, now this really makes me miss being around other people for the Artemis game nights that someone in my old neighborhood would host.

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Your findings are irrelevant.


Star Trek: Elite Force II (2003) didn’t make the same splash as the original, but should get credit for including more puzzles and minigames, and for being the only Trek game to date to include a playable romance plot.

TADS allows players to make their own star trek games centered around “romance.”

Bridge Crew is basically Artemis in VR, so you might want to look into it!


Is there any way to network Artemis over the internet?

My star trek friends have too many different systems to use Bridge Crew, and none of us is onto VR. Glasses are a pain.

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Apparently so.

How do players connect to the game?

As in inherently social game, Artemis was originally designed for in-person LAN play, but as of v1.3 it can be played over the internet.

What is a good voice chat client to play Artemis online?

Using a Google “Hangout” is a nice way to both see and hear your crew, and brings online sessions closer the the spirit of the social game that Artemis is intended to be.
For a less bandwidth-intensive option than Google Hangouts, Ventrilo works great. It’s easy to install and has many available public servers.
Artemis crews have also used Teamspeak.


How dare you sir or madam.

Data is one of the most beloved and nuanced characters in the entire franchise, and as often than not his statements are revelatory observations about the nature of humanity.


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