Before all the polys were magically reborn as universities.
Given the number of friends I have who are “poly” this sentence read very strangely to me.
Definitely not The University
1992 is the crucial part of that paragraph: it’s the year polytechnics were allowed to start calling themselves universities instead.
I have been on the wrong end of police “you look like a guy who robbed a liquor store”, and I can tell you that when weapons are leveled at you, a full range of measured responses are just not available to the perp/victim. It’s not called it “fight or flight” for nothing and either can get you killed.
Barely-connected trivial tangent:
There’s a swimming pool in Melbourne named after Harold Holt.
I freely admit there is much I don’t know about your system. Still, I see that your nation has serious racial issues which the populace writ large seems to want to pretend does not exist. I see and immense amount wealth flowing to a family of unelected monarchs which would best serve the people. I hear racist slurs and am told it’s not a problem. I see internal investigations whose findings indicate a real problem exists which are then roundly ignored. But hey, feel free to defend the crown.
Creative accounting at its finest. So what if they spend £150 million pounds renovating Buckingham Palace? That’s technically owned publicly so we don’t need to count that. In fact, anything spent on maintaining the public assets used monarchy isn’t considered a part of the cost. Then there is that land ‘owned’ by the royalty so income generated from that land helps balance the cost of maintaining the crown. Nevermind that without the monarchy, the revenues would still continue but without the associated cost of the royal family. This is money the U.K. would make without them (and it would be more but for their costs) yet they are somehow credited with generating that income. Clever trick that. There are plenty of clever ways of looking at the cost and much effort has been put in to making sure the people see that propaganda as well.
Let’s not forget the over $50mil Canada spends each year… unless the Queen has a birthday, then we need to tack on another $7mil or maybe Will and Kate decide to visit. That’s another $137,500/day. The Aussies get to pony up another $30mil each year and their sheep master hobbit island neighbors another $18.6mil. Those New Zealanders must use the crowns accountants because they say it was only NZ$4.3 million but independent auditors give lie to that little bit of theater. Good thing too since Kiwis spend more per capita on the monarchy than any other nation.
Yes. I’ve been lucky, despite the fact that I used to look like a lot of suspects, they only ID’d and searched me a few times and were always professional about it. Being white might have something to do with that. But if a gang attacks you, self-defense or fleeing is the natural response and should be considered totally justifiable. It should not be considered resisting arrest if the police officers were not behaving properly like someone with the authority to make an arrest.
However, in this video, the police actually do seem to be behaving themselves at the beginning, even being fairly courteous and polite “if you don’t tell us your name then we must arrest you because we believe you are _ who is wanted”. It’s the victim who appears to be acting unreasonable, getting upset and worked up and refusing even to state his name. It would appear that their actions could be considered justifiable.
But on watching the video linked above from [quote=“Copwatcher, post:53, topic:93400”]
the reason why Mr Adunbi refused to give his personal details to the officers is because he had previously been targeted and assaulted.[/quote]
he states that in the past, in the exact same scenario, he had given his name and they had attacked him anyway. So it seems perfectly reasonable and justifiable for him to get upset and try to get to the safety of his home.
That’s kind of a bigger problem. Both sides appear to have been acting reasonably and justifiably in the right, but the end result was bad for everyone.
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