British people proudly held a virtual knob-eating contest

This is what I have always called gravy in the US. I think in the South they have an expanded meaning of the term:


I actually had pictured Brits trying to stuff doorknobs in their gobs. Disappoint…

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Do not dunk your knob in your tea. It will hurt and people will call the constabulary.

Dunking biscuits is acceptable most of the time.


Side story: I was lucky enough to visit London after high school and a pretty rural US upbringing. I was SO confused when I asked for an English muffin at breakfast and nobody knew what I was talking about.

Weighing in on the biscuits vs. scones debate. Just checked the better homes and gardens cookbook and they are very similar, but biscuits as compared to scones have less sugar, more milk/cream, and less (no) eggs. But biscuits you get out at most diners are typically way saltier and fluffier than anything I’d consider similar to a scone. This might be the first time I’ve missed restaurant food during this whole shutdown.


Thanks for this. IMO, the second you put sugar or eggs into the recipe, it is no longer a biscuit. That turns it into a base for a dessert, like strawberry shortcake. All that is needed is flour, baking powder, shortening (butter or vegetable), milk, and a pinch of salt.

Also, US biscuits are supposed to be fluffy. In the South, saying to the cook that they are not is an insult. My mother was an indifferent baker, and after hearing too many biscuit “jokes” about the consistency of quarters, chipped teeth, and the Mohs scale, she turned over the rolling pin to me. Haven’t heard a complaint since. :woman_cook:t4: :yum:


This reminds me of the weird country fairs in River Cottage. Probably because it was filmed near Dorset.

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Oh come on, why no cheesy knob gags?

Blue Vinny can be very tasty.


Hey thread:

Blue Vinnie… Blue veiny…
Not a mention?!

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Exactly. This meaning wouldn’t be understood here in N.Lancashire/S.Cumbria.

Likewise, what’s THE definitive word for a small unit of bread? Bun? Barm? Teacake? Roll?

Going further off topic (sorry) my father told me about visiting somewhere in mainland Europe in the 1960s and insisting on “lots of chips; a big pile” with his steak, and the nominally-mystified waiter bringing him a steak buried beneath crisps (UK chips are ‘fries’ elsewhere, and non-UK ‘chips’ are ‘crisps’ here).
Worse, my West Cumbrian father-out-law (I’m not married) tells of ordering scallops somewhere in S.England and receiving a disturbing quantity of scallops.
He wanted sliced and fried potatoes (chips/fries, but oval), and received molluscs.




An amount of bread covered by a knob of butter. A knobsworth.

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See? See? :wink:

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There is no definitive term and we should be grateful for that. A hundred years from now, when Brexit has shattered the land and we’ve retreated into dozens of warring tribes, this will be our shibboleth!


That is HIGHLY localised. Roll, to me, but took no time at all to adapt to bap when I went North.

Oh, I Love eating baps!

Also, funny experience: Had an English GF in college, who laughed uproariously at what we US english speakers call a “fanny pack”. Took me a while to get the joke when she said she also liked a good “fanny pack”.

Also also, I understand that there are large segments of the internet dedicated to videos of knob gobbling. Who knew that English biscuit eating contests were so popular?


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