Bubble porn aficionados keep refining their NSFW art

Mormon bubble porn is one of the purest forms of cognitive dissonance.


Why do they call it Mormon porn? You’re like the third person in this thread to call it that, but I don’t know the term.

One of the Humpty Dance radio edits did that by bleeping out the “Burger” in “I’m a freak, I like the girls with the boom / I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom” so your mind filled it in to become “motherfucking bathroom.”


I assume you have no problem with reading by the light of an irregular strobe while someone shakes your book around. It’s the exact same information as when read the usual way, after all.


I heard the term from imageboards some years ago, the consensus is that some christian kids in conservative conditions find those images “useful” without being “troublesome” and/or “sinful”, since technically the subjects on the photos aren’t naked. Who knows? The rest of us found it just hilariously dissonant with its ridiculous pareidolic closure.

Double-thinking much?


I assume your tumblr comment negates the rampant absurdity of the paragraph above on purpose. BC women sure do put up objectifying “art” at their jobs.

People take this seriously? It’s not just “hurr durr it looks like they’re naked”? Damn.

It does make sense that they want to adhere to the letter of the law while crapping all over the spirit of the law. That’s fundamentalist religion for you. Loopholes everywhere… not just overlaid on the image :wink:


They remind me of this:


It was a joke, but feminist Gosling memes are not the same as bikini babes.

I’ve never seen a “hunky males” calendar at the workplace in any office I’ve ever worked in, at least.

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It’s definitely infantilistic, but now that I think of it, that legitimizes it as a fetish more than I’d originally accepted.

Repression begets innovation?

Just a personal anecdote, but I know of a hair salon in Florida that prominently displayed a life-sized poster of Tom Selleck on a beach volleyball court in micro-shorts. It was impressive.

Mmmmmm, beefcake.


Surely it does, I’m still amazed at how amish have powertools and appliances that work with compressed air. And people at prisons can be quite creative too, heh.

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I’ve personally seen lots of “hunky desktops” and the occasional hunky poster. Calendars are so 1987.

the workshop here has* two calendars on the wall: sexy firefighters and swimsuit babes

* or had a few years ago. I am nearly never down there

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