But her emails

That’s what you think.

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But the Welfare Rich now want us to subsidize their Gor-B-Gon!

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I know this is super-sleazy of me, but…

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But the liberal media keeps shifting away from real issues.


But they want to liberate that stick up my ass I have been conserving for years, so I could hold myself erect as an upstanding citizen!

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But ass sticks matter.

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But Fats Terminal has organized a purple ass stick for motorcyclists!


#But her emails! But WMDs!

Vote, revise, discuss. :slight_smile:

  • Trumpian politics - But terrorism, but Russians.
  • Climate change - But it snowed today, but climate change is a hoax, but the scientific jury is still out on climate change, but I didn’t come from no monkey, but monkeys and humans came from something that was a bit of both – humankeys, but Darwin was a heretic, but Darwin had a deathbed conversion.
  • Media analysis - But fake news, but cognitive dissonance, but comic sans, but you’re all hypocrits because you’ve done the same thing, but both sides are equally bad, but Jane Fonda, but we’re to the left of Jane Fonda, but the lamestream media, but I’m not a scientologist, but it’s really about ethics in journalism, but Bill Clinton lied under oath.
  • Food, butts, snakes, and other BBS interests - What what in the but, but(t)s are for pooping, but(ton) moon, but anaconda, but ketchup, but that’s not ketchup, but(tered) buns, but the blizzard is coming, but mother fuckin snakes, but the Chinese eat snakes, but there are no snakes in China, but Chinese water snake, but wikipedia is fake science.

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