Why? Awesome drug in its place. And the more opioids we have access to, the better the odds of finding a suitable one to rotate to if the current one isn’t working …
Unless you mean chronic pain sucks, or it sucks to be addicted to the stuff? Then yeah.
Somehow we have to make not being aware of your biases the most uncool thing. Make acknowledging one’s own racism and disowning it the sign of a real man. I am not kidding. Indulging in tribalism has got to be seen as so very old and un-enlightened. It almost makes one believe that forced mixing of race in schools is the answer. I wonder why we never tried that? (Oh, yeah, we did and it was defeated by tribalists and fraidy cats.) Early study of cognitive error. Early study of methods of propaganda. Early study of all the religions of the world. Immersive study of other cultures. All these things would go a long way toward disarming the racists.
You have to be careful about prodding tribalism. It is atavistic and irrational, and holds up poorly to scrutiny; but it also has the nasty habit of intensifying if you put any pressure on a population where at least some is present. Given the tendency of even the most homogenous student populations to factionalize for more efficient bullying and hierarchy formation; you’ll need to have some clever plan in mind unless you want results as heartwarming as the…less than complete…harmony found among prison gangs.
“It’s my aim to use strategery in order so that the enemy misunderestimates us, irregardless of our mission accomplished. Since you know what they say, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on… Uh–shame–uh, can’t get fooled again.”