California woman killed by brain-eating amoeba

This is why I use straight whiskey in my neti pots. Take that amoebas!


Iā€™m on mobile or Iā€™d search for itā€¦ but Drew of once did that and filmed it and put it on the inntertubes. Iā€™m sure Mr. Google could assist you in finding it.

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Canadian, Irish, American, or Scottish?

I found it! Whiskey at the end? And apparently coffee?


I know @codinghorror you want to keep yelling at a minimum, but I could argue NONONONONONONONONO is actually the correct response to that.

they actually do a great job. whenever i feel like iā€™m coming down with something, i start hitting the neti pot. i actually just use a squeeze bottle full of distilled water with some salt thrown in. iā€™m not saying it keeps me from getting sick, but it definitely cleans out the sinuses.

There is no doubt in my mind that two treatments work well for early stage colds:

  • gargling salt water (or listerine, if you are hard core) as deep in your throat as you can, at the first sign of any throat soreness whatsoever;

  • neti pot hot salt water all up in both nostrils when you start to get a runny nose

I swear by these. They work.


Not wasabi?


ā€¦See also ā€œEvolutionā€™s Darlingā€ by Scott Westerfeld.

Iā€™m ok with that particular bone being porous; itā€™s the idea of an amoeba against which I would need an impermiable bone structure for protection that doesnā€™t sit well for me.

And Iā€™m a fungus with a general sympathy for natureā€™s less lovable children; and the belief that ā€˜Amoebaā€™ is one of The Adolescentsā€™ best songs.

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Another thing, do not swim in dirty water. Especially recently disturbed verges, these critters dwell in ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  soil and dank, particle-filled water.

I have a feeling this is going to become more prevalent as the climate gets warmer/seasons move north. In 1977/8, when I took a parasitology seminar in college, there were only maybe four cases annually in the United States. (reported, unsure how many people got it and were undiagnosed because it does present as meningitis and the actual diagnoses takes an actual brain autopsy/physical look at/slides).

Canadia, Ireland, and the US make Whiskey? I think not. :wink:

As much as I like rye, as is my patriotic duty, itā€™s not ā€œwhiskeyā€.


And now all I can hear in my head are the song lyricsā€¦

Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head high

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So much this. It reduces inflammation and pain, and I swear it makes recovery faster.

My second method is one noone else seems to be on the bandwagon for. But it works even better.

Half a teaspoon of horseradish every hour.

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I love the arguments about whisky and whiskey and bourbon and grain spirits. The sun will extinguish before they end.

I am intensely interested in marketing a grain based, distilled, aged in oak beverage from the NW under a different type of label, but havenā€™t figured it out. Perhaps a class just called ā€˜Northernā€™? Minimum 51% northern grown malt, no corn, aged in oak for three years?

Still thinking.


But when using a neti pot, you add salt to fresh water. If the fresh water has that amoeba in it, the salt wonā€™t be enough to kill it.

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iā€™ve heard gargling with BC powder works too, but havenā€™t tried it. i can see how it would reduce pain of a sore throat though.

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