Calilfornia high school water polo team filmed singing Nazi songs

Am I the only one who thinks the Proud Boys are usually only two beers away from closeted homosexual orgy? They really push the Ernst Rohm vibe heavily there


True. My folks had five kids and extra money was saved for our college education. A pool was a luxury. For us, we got into swimming to keep cool during the triple digit summers!


It’s a regular hockey locker room.
I’m an advocate for free sexual expression, but when the hate and violence is just masking their lusting for each other, these meatheads needs to do some unpacking.

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In my mind $60k is squarely middle class. National median income is $75k or so. Upper class is generally double the national median. It’s all relative tho. I live in NYC, which skews everything.


Since people are still talking about expulsion as an option, just a reminder that California (a) has compulsory education until the age of 18, and (b) has a right to free education in their constitution. (And (c), is spelled with only one “l”.)

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you think 60k in nyc is middle class? well everyone’s entitled to their opinion :3



Thanks for the leads. Means a lot!

I viewed this from the private library collection while studying Film & Media at the University of Florida. They have a good collection of film.

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Peter Simi, a professor on extremism studies at Chapman University who lives nearby in Orange County, told The Daily Beast the song is so obscure it raises questions about how the athletes learned about it.

“It’s not something you’d expect somebody to accidentally know about. There’s some means by which they acquired knowledge about the song and associated Nazi issues,” he said. “Are they on websites or web forums or other social-media platforms where they’re engaging with others informed on these issues?”


We all know the swastika and the nazi salute, but going through the trouble to learn and perform a nazi song ? That is a whole 'nother level of dedication, especially for high school students. I’m baffled.

The anime named “Girls and Panzer”. While baffling, is totally not obscure.

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I’d never heard of it, but that looks really interesting. Is that what the song is from?

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