Campaign to boycott Ender's Game movie

This was a decent piece by Hugo Rifkind at The Spectator on gay marriage - and every other social issue the church loves to get involved with while also having special privileges in the UK (like the Lords Spiritual).

I never get it though; surely Christians know marriage is much older than their religion?

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… to be used when necessary to send a clear message that those who flagrantly violate society’s regulation of sexual behavior cannot be permitted to remain as acceptable, equal citizens within that society.

This line of thinking reminds me a lot of the arguments that I see by people who are against birth control and abortion.

I know someone who frequently makes that argument … never quite sure how to respond in a useful way. In general he does not understand why people (including conservatives) spend so much time thinking about gay marriage when there are many other problems that need to be dealt with. I think I made a bit of an impact when I pointed out that gays were five times more likely to attempt suicide and that maybe things would get better if people stopped telling them that their relationships don’t count.

This was the argument made by a lot of angry old Tories in the UK when Call Me Dave was pushing the Gay Marriage bill through Parliament - except of course, if they’d just stopped obstructing the bill it would have sailed through and then they could have concentrated on whatever they thought was so much more important than human rights, showing them all up as the bigots that they clearly are.

I knew @frauenfelder was the cool mutant! Love the podcast Mark!

Guessing that there are many copies of Derailing for Dummies at Westminster.

Hi, I was also a kind of upset by political position of OS Card. I wrote an article trying to demonstate that part of these positions clearly apear all along Ender cycle, mainly the justification of preventive war and total violence. May be it could feed the discussion … but sorry guys it’s in french ;-(
Ender: space cow boy: theodicy according the OS Card

Card has some messed up views. I know some people who have spent a year working on Ender’s Game who don’t share his views, however, and I don’t really see the point of boycotting their careers in order to punish Card for being a jerk.

Every dime we take out of Card’s wallet will be a dollar out of Han Solo’s. Do the right thing.

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