Can we get a GOP Friendly Writeup of Grievences?

Oh I can walk (right now though is a bad day with my sister so I have to help mind her while the folks take care of paperwork issues.) Walking I can do. I’m a mile from downtown. It is more I want the government to stop treating me like I have to earn the privilege of getting told I am unfit to work and would be a burden on employers.

The biggest reason I haven’t been out more is the house is still under renovations so it’s a case of constant whack a moke with different projects.


Technically no we are not throwing a hissy fit we are in fact demonstrating what democracy looks like. Voting is one expression of civic action, a demonstration is another; there are others.


This is me facedesking at Facebook.

OK I get being hurt and angry at protests being mocked and pointing out facts ignored, but to go ‘the only good trump supporter is a dead one’? To call for an armed revolution?

Thank you for helping the other side continue to not take dissenting opinion seriously. Thank you so very fucking much. That kind of shit is not productive. It is not helpful.

I just wish I knew what was since ‘trump’s bringing jobs back to america.’ And ‘give him time.’

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Unemployment is very near the natural low point (according to those egghead economists, what could they possibly know), who, exactly would fill all these promised “jobs” the SFV insists he’ll “bring back” to the US? But before you answer, allow me to guess…children, the disabled and the elderly?

Put blunt? Fuck if I know man. I just know that by the supporters I personally know opponents haven’t a leg to stand on and trump can do no wrong. This makes discussion difficult.


I will tell you that there is a certain amount of sizing up their arguments that does need to be done, and here’s why.

A lot of them are based on double standards.

I start from the proposition that anyone who disrespects your dignity when you do not respect their authority, is not someone you are debating. That is someone you are defending yourself against.

One of the most common disrespects against dignity is the double standard.

A simple one: The left makes broad brush assumptions about the right, itself a broad brush assumption. Or, the left is violent, when no political party has a monopoly on violence. Another is that they argue by assertion, while you bear a burden of proof.

This is not easy to get someone else to recognize fallacies in their own worldview and expectations.

Ask people to meet, for you, the standard of evidence they expect from you. And if they’re trying to convince you, insist they go first.

You have a hard row to hoe. I grew up in a super conservative family, and at some point I actually had to say that if the degrading politicial emails continued I would have to find a way to move on without them in my life, at all. That would not have been easy for me at the time, but my dad at least came to realize that the degradations over politics didn’t have no effect on my self esteem and his heart won out over his ego and he stopped.

I hope you find a way through to peace. You don’t have to convince anyone to agree with you. You may have to convince them they’re causing you a lot of trouble with their lack of restraint.


For you that worked. For me my stepdad was raised to the standards of showing emotion is weakness. That I would be so ‘hurt’ that I have to take such measures would show weakness and show that I am wrong by having to appeal to emotion.

And you’re wrong. I have to do something because for the time being I live with these people and cannot leave short of section eight housing.

Was that someone you know stating that thought directly, or was it someone claiming “look what these libruls are saying”?

There are extremists on the end of any spectrum, true, but that sounds more like all the other made up fears of Trumpists rather than an actual statement by a frustrated liberal.


Actual post made. Even if not it’s still annoying because these things short out any attempt at discussion when I already feel like I have to climb up hill in the mud.

Then tell them “you’re not helping” or “you sound just like the people you’re fighting against”. Don’t let it slide.


I’ll sumbit that ascribing right and wrong where correct or incorrect just as accurately describe the reality will escalate a conversation with many people into a fight.

Not with me just now though. I’m on your side and staying here.

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This is going to not be quite right because Warning! I was a tech writer for many years so I tend to write a little stilted. I want this to be kind of humorous. LIke this great article.

But here’s my first stab. Seeing this as Facebook post.

Hi Facebook Friends! I really want to start a conversation with you about our president. As you know, I did not vote for Trump and a lot of you did. I want to talk about that. I don’t like the namecalling that is happening right now. As you know, we’ve had our differences about politics but we have always valued our friendship more. And I don’t know about other people on Facebook, but ALL of MY friends are smart, cool people. I’d like to hear what you think the current administration is doing right on these issues that so worry me.

Here are some of the concerns I’d like to talk about with you.

One of the biggest concerns that I have is immigration policy. I feel like Trump is offering simple answers to complex problems. I know that “Build a Wall” was kind of a metaphor for keeping out illegal immigrants, and I’d like to talk about this policy.

  • I found it really upsetting that people who were legal residents in the United States were detained at airports without any warning that the policy was going to change. Green card holders are vetted strongly and call America their home. I do not understand how as a nation that has always prided itself on being a melting pot we can be so mean to people who bring skills that we need to our country and who have already met high legal standards to be here. How does this make us safer? Can you please explain this to me?

okay…more later…a start.

Also thinking maybe we should open up a Google Doc so everyone can edit/comment.


Or, we can keep it here by making it a wiki.

If you want to do that: At the bottom of your post, click the three dots, click the wrench, then click “Make wiki.”


That’s actually not true. Unemployment numbers are so simplistic as to be almost without value. They don’t represent the number of people who have left the workforce (“given up” on finding work), or the huge number of people who are employed at a part-time level that they wish could be full-time, or who are under-employed (meaning they are working jobs that they are overqualified for, aren’t using their degree for, etc.).

The state of employment in this country is pretty fucking dreadful, and not recognizing that is one of the reasons Trump was able to get the votes that he did - too many people were content to say “Obama cut unemployment from 10% to 5%” and “5% unemployment is actually a healthy number, according to economists.” without actually looking in to what that number actually represents:


Granted, there’s a ton of regional and season variation. Where I live, unemployment is 4-ish, and a lot of service industry jobs are very vacant with help wanted signs seemingly everywhere. 40 miles east, 15%, or so we’re told.

Look at the U-6 rate by state - your anecdotal evidence may belie what’s really going on:

Look up Washtenaw County and Wayne County, Michigan.

No, YOU look up Washtenaw County. What am I, your stat monkey?

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Is did.


There are times when I could use a stat monkey. Other times, I fill that role myself, but it’s usually about development issues.

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