Can we talk about this lady who claims black identity, but has previously been white?


I don’t know. I’m not trying to absolve her of anything, either. There’s something disordered in the way she perceives herself, that’s all.

Holy F*&$ this just seeems several levels more creepy now.

there is something in an order, one which you do not understand.

Be fair, unless you’re an orderologist, you’ve no right to call her disordered. That’s just ad hominem.

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You haven’t understood what I wrote. I did allude to the smallpox infected blankets thing, which then misled you regarding the rest of my statement. What I meant was that other deliberately repressive policies (forced relocation under arduous conditions, restriction of ability to practice traditional agriculture, hunting and land use, targeting of elders leading to loss of medical knowledge etc) would have led to disease and in many cases epidemics, as a natural consequence of the living conditions created. I wasn’t only referring to the deliberate introduction of disease.

Anyway, it looks like the general consensus is that populations fell 40-80% following first contact; I accept your point. But most of what I read concerns densely-populated South/Central America, and alludes vaguely to lower rates of spread in North America where indigenous populations were more thinly spread.

You think she lied about being black to black people - but you haven’t come up with a satisfactory, non-discriminatory definition of what a black person is - and to be honest, no-one has.

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Doesn’t outright lying about who her parents and blood relatives are apply?


She’s made plenty of statements alluding to her relationship with her parents and siblings. Do keep up.

Sure, but she previously claimed a completely different (black) man was her father, when he wasn’t.


It seems to me that gender is generally far less ambiguous than race. If we can allow someone with a Y chromosome and matching dangly bits to decide they’re actually a woman, why can’t we allow someone to decide they’re actually a different race than the one they were born into?

Because, honestly, every argument against it sounds exactly like the argument against a M>F transgender person being considered female. How is Dolezal’s white privilege any different than Jenner’s male privilege?

I really kinda feel like we can’t have this both ways.


Hasn’t pretty much every transgendered person ever said something about how they were tired of lying about who they actually were?

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Look, this woman is clearly a poseur. Society hates poseurs. She claimed a black man was her father and her adopted black brother was her son.

Had she not made those ridiculous claims about being ethnically black, then I’d give her a pass. No one owns culture. One can be culturally urban black or southern black without being ethnically black. But she didn’t stop there.

As far as the people who are trying to compare this to transsexuals, the difference here is that with very few exceptions, trans people don’t say they were born physically born as the opposite sex, but physically born as the wrong sex. It is the acknowledgement of who you were that makes all the difference.


Did she claim to have different parents and blood relatives? No, that is not what she claimed.

I understand she put out there that her father was a black man. Her put out there that he is not a black man. He considers himself a confused white man. I saw pictures of her as a blonde teen with much paler skin. Those are most of the facts I am working with here.

I just don’t believe this is an example of a relevant social issue, certainly not one worth attacking anyone, including her, for. I could speculate on her motives, but I don’t tend to speculate too much when nobody got hurt, and nobody lost anything other than some time spent examining their own delicate sensibilities.

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There was a completely separate man who was not her father that she claimed was her father who was supposed to show up to some events, and she invented a fake illness as to why he couldn’t show up.

She literally claimed a picture of somebody who was not her father was her father. That counts, to me, as having “different blood relatives”.


Someone of relatively recent African descent with naturally occurring dark skin and reasonably related cultural background? Is that not good enough? Or is it discriminatory because it excludes white people by definition? Because I have news for you: Black people have been excluded from whiteness by definition for a long time now. Never mind that defining Blackness and Whiteness has a long and storied history that I cannot do justice with a single comment.


I’m out of likes, so you get a picard instead. Enjoy!


Are her parents religious bigots?

i am not refuting what you are saying or telling people what to think… but isn’t this where literally millions of edge cases lay?

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But this is sooooooooo not an edge case.

Edge cases are fine. I live for edge cases and nuance.

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That’s horrible. Just horrible. Thanks for posting. It adds more to this story.