Can you solve the 3-switches problem?


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An entertaining short story imagining Richard Feynman being asked the lightswitch problem in a job interview:


This assumes the light was originally in the off state. This doesn’t work if the light was already on.

Sh, show me the blueprints.
Show me the b b, b, blueprints.
Show me the bluprints!
Sh sh sh sh sh show me the blueprints!
Show me the blueprints. Show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints.
Show me the blueprints.

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Bingo! We have a winner.

I am amused by the people claiming fluorescent and LED bulbs don’t get warm.

I see first-degree burns in their futures.

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unscrew the lightbulb.

The answer is clearly none of them, because on your trip upstairs, you unplugged the lamp.

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in my experience, the bulbs in the attic are always broken.


solution 1: go up stairs. open attic door. go back down, flick switches until you figure it out.
solution 2: go up stairs, take bulb out of socket in attic. go back downstairs, drink a beer, confident in the knowledge that there is now no light in the attic.
solution 3: call neighbour, ask them to look in attic window while you flick switches to determine which one is the one. use your free trip up the stairs to go up to your now illuminated attic, go through old pictures. wonder what happened to high school sweetheart. cry a little. facebook stalk them until you find their wedding and subsequent baby-having pictures. drink a beer, confident in the knowledge that you missed out on The One. quietly hate their kids for the rest of your days, and resent your own for not being as cute as theirs. be sad.
solution 4: stop giving a fuck about the light situation in the attic. enjoy afternoon.

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Any solution that involves explosives is clearly the correct solution.


Are these real on-off switches, or are these three-way switches where flipping one means, “Whatever it is you’re doing now, do the other thing”?

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Hey, I might only be allowed one trip to the attic, but my friend here…

Well, how I solved it was by having the switches alternate days. That way everybody got a turn. I also found that giving everyone a different safeword worked wonders. We originally tried Do, Re, Mi, and Fa, but this led to too much ambiguity, so now we just use the surnames of The Doctor portrayers.

I got this, along with a couple of other bullshit “logic” puzzles, in a job interview. I didn’t get the job. My guess is that they wanted to hire someone with experience in reading up on fake “logic” puzzles before job interviews.


Foolish owl,
The logic puzzles are an excuse for the HR dork and manager to feel powerful as interviewees squirm and then they hire someone who they went to college with. How can the hiring be racist when all of the people they do not like failed the three switch question?


I got it.

Let the switch once a, b, c. First, turn on a switch and wait 30 minutes. Then switch off the a, b and then turn on the switch goes quickly to the attic. If the answer is lit and B, if the bulb is warm, the correct answer is A, is the last to nothing if there is no change in C is the correct answer.

Put your phone in the attic

but then you can never get your phone again as you are only allowed one trip to the attic.

A good use for a burner phone, I guess.

Oh god. I’ve gotten the manhole cover one enough that now I just answer “Why wouldn’t they be round?”


If you can’t ever go back to the attic, why the f*ck do you even want to know which switch does what? it won’t do you any good.

turn them all on, go up to the attic and grab whatever you care about because you don’t ever get to go back.
