Can you solve the "artist's dilemma" problem?

It’s the Mongrove way.

I feel like there’s some weird, unintentional irony in saying, “I started from the far right,” and “your way is stupid”. You don’t work for Fox News by chance, do you?


I said I wanted a fight but that level of name calling is too far :cry:


Yup. I did it the same way but mirror flipped, starting on the right.

Actually in my initial reading I missed the sketch in question and attempted applying these rules to the “count the squares” puzzle above it. Try doing that the same way!

I remember Etchsketch now. What a great time suck!


Y’all Happy Mutants or what? There are well-known algorithms for all this stuff.

Fleury’s algorithm is an elegant but inefficient algorithm that dates to 1883.[7] Consider a graph known to have all edges in the same component and at most two vertices of odd degree. The algorithm starts at a vertex of odd degree, or, if the graph has none, it starts with an arbitrarily chosen vertex. At each step it chooses the next edge in the path to be one whose deletion would not disconnect the graph, unless there is no such edge, in which case it picks the remaining edge left at the current vertex. It then moves to the other endpoint of that edge and deletes the edge. At the end of the algorithm there are no edges left, and the sequence from which the edges were chosen forms an Eulerian cycle if the graph has no vertices of odd degree, or an Eulerian trail if there are exactly two vertices of odd degree.”


I think I remember this exact book when I was a kid. I used to love reading puzzle books when I was younger.

I actually solved it. I’m smart(ish) but tend to suck at these kinds of puzzles.

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But what about the Rhino‘s riddle? I‘m still stuck here…

yeah. i mean… yeah.

Beat me to it!

I wonder whether the people of Konigsberg have been enjoying walks over their bridges lately.


I understand that problem was solved by Britain bombing Konigsberg to rubble, and the Soviet Union rebuilding the city and renaming it Kaliningrad.


Take the top off the barrel. Tip it on it’s side until the water is just about to run out. If you can’t see the bottom, it’s more than half full. If it’s right at the bottom - half full, and if you can see more than a bit of the bottom, it’s less than half.


Yes, I thought the same!

Yeah, you’re right, I went too far with my “humor”. Please accept my sincere apology – it’s been a stressful week for everyone, even all the Mongroves.

/not s

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Now I’ve lost track of the tone of our thread.

I was glad you picked up on my “far right” bit and laughed at your reply. Hope you don’t actually feel bad.

Stay safe, Mongroves.

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Took me all of about 10 seconds to figure out by looking.

Hint: think of the figure as the letter “S” in a very complex font.

Yeh, you beat me to it. I first saw it in the ‘Konigsberg Bridge Problem’ . Mathematicians FTW

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The barrel always was completely full – just not necessarily of water.

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Take the top off and tip the barrel right over. The barrel is empty.

So rather than being a graph database of no, it’s a graph database of deleted edges?