A better test would be to compose a caption for a cartoon involving a polar bear and a penguin - extra points if you can avoid bipolar jokes,
If you’re using a GPS, you can use true north. If you are using both a GPS and a compass, you can set your GPS unit to use magnetic north. If you have just a compass, magnetic north, though you if you also have a map, it may be necessary to apply a correction to get true north.
Oh, no. They have a real and important purpose: they tell you to leave that interview right now, because the people in this company are full of bullshit. That will save you a lot of time and potential sadness.
On my bed, dreaming.
Seems like semantic nonsense. If you start from a nonspecific location no matter which direction you travel (for a mile) you still end up in a nonspecific location. For everybody who said Nth or Sth pole you can as easily substitute Shahara or Gobi desert.
My answer is: So you played “Leather Goddesses of Phobos” as well? Getting that phone book was annoying, wasn’t it?
No matter what your answer is, Elon Musk immediately shouts, “Wrong! You’re on Mars, bitch!”
…and then calls you a pedo for good measure.
This question circulated around my grade 5 class. I’m not sure that qualified me to work on space ships.
But I object to this being called a riddle. It feels like a riddle because we’re not used to thinking about things this way, but it’s just a question about how our navigational directions work on spheres.
Didn’t read the question. Not going to. Is it essentially: are you willing to sacrifice your self respect to work for a paedo?
I’ve been working for myself for 20 years, and I don’t recommend it. My boss is a lazy whiner who hasn’t given me a raise … ever.
This is why I always wear someone else’s shoes when I visit the Big Easy. “Wrong. These aren’t my shoes.”
I think this is the most realistic and accurate answer.
Similar to Tim’s question in The Holy Grail.
Is the answer “no I don’t want to work for you Elon”?
Not strictly relevant, but this looks like a good place to drop one of my favorite “Top Tips” from VIZ comics: “Weed out unlucky people from your job applicants by simply throwing away half the CVs you receive, unread.”
Alright, I don’t get the 2nd one, I guess I need to watch the video.
Now that’s what I call a deep cut.
This fails the pedantry test, since cardinal navigation directions are necessarily defined relative to the earth’s surface and poles. (You might quibble over which poles, but as long as you choose them consistently it doesn’t matter.)
It’s too bad Skepticism has been Destroyed™, now we have no choice but to accept this as fact.