Canine master of cuisine starts house fire (video)

Originally published at: Canine master of cuisine starts house fire (video) - Boing Boing


Posted by Ruben Bolling.


These cruel people - leaving their dogs in the kitchen at night! Why aren’t they tucked up in bed with their humans? /s

And obligatory PSA - never leave stuff on your cooker unless you intend to cook it.


Wonder how long it would have been for Samsung to take action had there not been multiple videos proving this can happen.


heh, thought this post was the other recent “dog causes fire” story… namely: one out of Tulsa Oklahoma and a dog deciding a lithium battery was a chew-toy

i’m impressed how the two dogs return to observe their work for a bit. by the bye, both dogs and a cat survived by escaping via a doggy door, and the house wasn’t a total loss. (and the moral of the story? uhm… if you’re a pet (or baby) parent keep small items with notable potential energy inside out of reach…? maybe?)


“Oh crap! Oh crap! What do we do now?”
“You were the one chewing on that thing. I told ya not to do that!”
“Gah. I know, but it was soooo tasty and forbidden!”
“Let’s blame the cat.”
“Do you think the hoomans will buy that?”
“Do you have a better idea?”
“Well woof … no, guess not. Okay.”

Both (barking loudly): “Emergency! Emergency! The cat did it! The cat did it!”


They caught it thanks to their Apple Panopticon, how uh, wonderful! I hope they can source and test an awesome Weyland-Yutani control passivation shield…slidey or springuppey? Bluetooth auth key instead?


It is recalling one million stoves to make them safer by providing knob locks

Will JD Vance’s couches be fitted with this safety measure too?

Something, something, hot dogs…

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