Originally published at: Cartoonist Chris Onstad is using A.I. to revive his "Achewood" comic strip | Boing Boing
Hi Ruben — Thanks so much for the piece! To clarify, the new comics and other material on the Achewood Patreon will NOT be generated by AI. Our entirely separate AI-powered service RayBot.help is an LLM fine-tuned upon all Achewood content, and it generates Achewood-like replies for people to share. There has been conflation of the two in the public discourse; they are entirely separate entities.
I don’t love anything with the words “AI” in it right now, as a writer and a teacher. But I trust that you will find a way to use it for good, rather than evil.
Thank you for your comics. They meant a lot to me. They were a shared vocabulary between me and my weird friends, and to this day I randomly quote them. They reflected the way my brain worked (or, sometimes, refused to work), and it was really important for me to see that. To this day, I call my full-spectrum lamp (which I need in the winter in order to function as a mostly human being) Dave, because everyone has a friend named Dave. (Last winter, my SO said, “Hey, did you plug Dave in yet?” as the days started getting shorter).
Who cares about AI, as far as I’m concerned, this is the news.
Are you familiar with Frank?
Just want to thank you for speaking out against Comic Sans.
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