Originally published at: Case solved: entire missing bridge was found with gentleman | Boing Boing
now that sir, was a bridge too far
“It could be used for a variety of different things, to include as simple as landscaping or they could use it for some other engineering project, some other large scale project…”
You know…like a means of crossing a body of water…somewhat like a bridge.
It wasn’t a bridge too far, after all.
Meth and heavy equipment: not even once.
Well, a person needs a way to access the Holy Grail without having to ask a bunch of silly questions…
Mmmm, maybe just once?
This is my new favorite article tag
I’m glad there was a follow up. I don’t like being in a state of suspension for too long.
“He stole … poorly.”
Next time someone tells me they have a bridge to sell me, I may believe them.
OCD troll? (No,the other kind.)
A bridge over the river? Why?
We visited the Sellwood neighborhood of Portland OR when a local steel truss bridge across the Williamette River was being auctioned off. Alas, it as a cash-and-carry deal - buyer pays cash and carries it away. Stealing it would have been… difficult. It’s since been replaced and I don’t know who took it away. Meanwhile, I can sell you a nice bridge in Brooklyn. Same deal, cash-and-carry. Swiss francs are preferred.
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