Catholic priest 'caught snorting cocaine in Nazi room'

Yeah, but fetishisation of military garb is cross cultural up North. He claimed he had stuff from all around, which would be quite normal.

I also wouldn’t say either community is definitively left or right wing. One tends republican and one unionist but it’s way more complicated and both actually tend to have very working class politics.

The middle class essentially stays out of politics in the North (and traditionally hoovers up the subsidies and jobs from the state having two sets of everything: it’s win win for the professional class!)…

He’s under 40 though, which makes him an extreme rarity. They are becoming extinct. Priests that is.


Historically it’s a really important distinction: monks traditionally were celibate, priests were not. The catholic church made them celibate for property reasons, nothing to do with religion.

Middle eastern religions had a tradition of monasticism and asceticism predating the Jesus movement and christianity. Cristianity merely tapped into that tradition as it did for most of its customs.


Cheap ass bastard - $10 bill.


Yes indeed.

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I think that the official line from his employer is that the Jews killed the Messiah; though, I’ve not be a practicing member for a few decades, so, maybe, things will have moved on.

Doesn’t Stephen Daedalus say in Ulysses “Obedience in the womb, chastity in the tomb, but involuntary poverty all my days?”

Poor Joyce - he left Ireland to escape Irish Catholic bullshit and went to Italy where he got massively exploited, because Italian Catholic hypocrisy is even worse.


I’ve never quite understood how Team Catholic is supposed to feel about that: Yeah, the Sacred History is that the local corrupt Jewish power brokers, aided by the bemused indifference of some poor syncretistic polytheists just trying to run an empire on the all-too-non-god-forsaken ground zero of monotheistic zealotry, whacked His Saviorness; but the official theology is also that the said whacking is the foundation of the possibility of salvation, the most profound mediation between mortal and divinity possible, all part of a divine plan hatched by a possibly self-loathing aspect of the Trinity; and specifically covered by a “Forgive them father, they know not what they do.” request.

So, yeah the jews killed christ and all; but if they hand’t we’d still be banging rocks together and going to hell; so why give them all the flack about it?


If Catholicism teaches us anything it is that we are all guilty of something, and, even if it is part of God’s ineffable plan, you have freewill and so will burn in Hell… unless you make an act of contrition through your local franchise holder. Just look at Judas.

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someone needs to get this guy the message that there is no coke snorting in the Nazi room. I bet he wears white after Labour Day too.


Well, it is Gods way of telling you you have too much money.


Wasn’t it the. Romans? Though it depends on the gospel. I started reading a bit about New Testament texts, variances, and transmissions after sitting through a really slow reading of Arvo Part’s Passio and realising the text was John and it’s really, really, anti-Jewish and currying favour with the imperial overlords. This is not the case with the other three in varying ways.

They tend to be read by Christians in aggregate as if they make sense as a compound document. They don’t.

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We only did Matthew at school, the travelogue gospel; but, according to much of medieval Catholic teaching, the Jews are the ones who will not be blamed for nothing.

Matthew is the gospel that Jerome called the gospel of the Hebrews, it was the one used by the Jesus movement led by jesus’s brother James in Jerusalem. It’s the one where he explicitly says that to be saved you must follow the law (of Moses) - the one without sin and stoning business is a later forgery in the same way that the Paul stuff about women not preaching is - it’s there because it contradicts the thrust of the gospel.

My point being that it was a text used by pious Jews of the time (and James is better attested historically than Jesus and pretty fucking pious).


Former Episcopalian laughing here! The arguments I had with my Catholic high school friends over transubstantiation. Way to go there!


It has been long established that Jesus Meat is a gateway drug.


Nowadays we have iPads and PlayStations. I think it’s progress.

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Vatgrown Jesus Meat is the worst, with all the steroids and growth stimulants.


What you do there, I see it.

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No shit; Australia has some of the most expensive drugs on the planet. Back in the '90’s when MDMA was selling for £4/pill in the UK, it was AU$80/pill (and of extremely questionable quality) downunder.

Tyranny of distance.


Why don’t you guys train some chemists?