“Cellophane Memories” by Chrystabell and David Lynch is a new album coming in August

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/12/cellophane-memories-by-chrystabell-and-david-lynch-is-a-new-album-coming-in-august.html


From Popkin!

I TOO am excited about this album! I love David Lynch… I’ll also recommend the Lynchpins podcast for David Lynch fans… They are going from least lynchian film to most. The most recent was Dune and the next one up is Wild at Heart (one of my faves by him):


I love his music.

Remember when David Lynch did that thing where he had a jar of 10 numbers and he would pull out a number every day and announce “Today’s Number Is…?”

Well I thought that was great fun and every day that he made a made hiis video, I would make a response video. Here are some of my favourites and a link to the whol playlist (I also set up monthly recaps because I don’t expect anyone would actually watch all of them:


I hope you enjoy


I loved that… it was during the pandemic, but seems like 50 billion years ago…

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