Change to inactive topic expiry

Conversely, if after 30 days you replied with some observations on how inactive topic locking was causing slower conversations to splinter, @orenwolf would probably be interested to hear that, but under the current notification scheme he never would.

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well those are different goalposts than you proposed in the comment I was responding to, i think. . You had said

and now you seem to mean one.


I think whoever you respond to should get a notification. But not the originator of the old conversation. I can’t state with any authority what other people want, YMMV.

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Nope. I said both as in both


While some topic owners would be uninterested in tangents arising from their old conversations, others may still be interested in hearing fresh, connected, and relevant ideas, particularly as the only way to continue a conversation that paused for thirty days is to split the reply into a new topic.

I do like @smulder’s idea above. It would solve the spam problems that initiated this conversation without introducing the fragmenting problems introduced by replying as new topics.

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Shouldn’t this have a “meh” option?

[ETA] I see that @nimelennar agrees it needs a “meh” option.


some and others are less absolute and more relatable terms than you initially used. I cant disagree with what you’ve now said.

or ask them to reopen it, so not ‘only’.

anyhow, thanks for the clarification.

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Yeah, perhaps. I did this internationally, though. I figure those that don’t care won’t respond. :slight_smile:

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