Chart reveals that the final season of Game of Thrones has horrible ratings

And that lead to a visually neat scene. Just as the second episode which was obviously shot on the cheap (almost all scenes of small numbers of people sitting around inside) to save money for the big battle led to some nice character interaction.

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“I have returned to you now, at the change of the Tide…” Actually this tide started changing as soon as they ran out of books to work from. Benioff and Weiss seem adept at picking and choosing what to extract from source material, but have difficulty building material themselves.

That said, I hadn’t really hated much about this season until Episode 4; I understood the battle of Winterfell in a budget context, they had to cut corners to keep things tidy, but as the youtube video by “Hello Future Me,” points out, there is a lot they could have changed to make it a more interesting and worthwhile episode while not exceeding the budget or time constraints.

Comparing a novel to a TV show is apples and oranges, but with Game of Thrones you can directly compare a fairly-faithful adaptation to an original screenplay. The writing on series 1-5 is conspicuously different to series 6-8, even though it’s mainly the same writers.

I wouldn’t even say GRRM is the better writer, but the process of writing a novel over many years and then rendering that into a 50-page script is just not going to give the same result as writing a script out of the blue. It’s like the difference between shooting on location compared to a soundstage, or using practical effects vs. CGI. If only subconsciously, you can always tell when you’re looking at a slice of a much larger world, with stuff going on outside the frame.


But even by the Rotten Tomatoes “rating”, this is still an erroneous graph.

The Rotten Tomato ratings for Season 7 were: 93, 96, 89, 97, 95, 84, 87. But the graph shows it to be nothing like that.


Errr… No. I work at a commercial broadcaster. We’re hitting ridiculous VOD volumes and are paying through the arse for the extra bandwidth.

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