Check out these sexy anthropomorphic airplanes, courtesy of r/Aeromorph

These are still mainstream anime, you’re not even at the edge of the rabbit hole yet.

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I don’t know about that; mainstream contemporary to those two are more like Naruto Shippuden and Gundam 00 which actually aired while normal people were awake on normal channels. I mean, Strike Witches and Heaven’s Lost Property aren’t fetish material like Stigmata of Qwaser or Queen’s Blade: The Exiled Virgin, but they’re not really maintstream either… but I don’t know the right word for normal/unremarkable for a particular subculture
(all links SFW; they’re just their historical broadcast schedules)

I may have to hit you up to translate some of this Japanese movie booklet for The Shadow movie. :wink:

Doug was into extreme hyper, furs, I can´t honestly see him drawing anthro planes, even thou he was actually an aerospace engineer in real life. There are online collections of his stuff (which I won´t link, since it is VERY NSFW), there are massive genitals but no anthro aircrafts.
I miss Doug Winger, he really brought a great sense of humor into his weird pron.

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I think I remember something like that, but that must have been decades ago, possibly under his TDK pseudonym.

I was mostly thinking of his macro stuff (ex: skyscraper sized anthro-horses,) but it’s equally possibly I was getting some of that confused with Eric Schwartz, as @LurkingGrue mentioned. I have some of each of their art deep in an archive somewhere, but it’s been quite a while!

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