Chicago teachers declare victory after 11-day strike

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Teachers, schooling workers in how it’s done.


a nurse and social worker in each school

How is this even an issue? It should go without saying. And yet…

every school will have a nurse and social worker by 2023

I’m thankful to the union for these demands…


This issue is not unique to Chicago. Support staff were among the first cuts made during The Recession pretty much everywhere.


This is one of the reasons why we need unions. I was just discussing this with a friend, who came to the sudden realization that the organization that they work for has been very gradually reducing their benefits over the last decade, while at the same time increasing everyone’s workload subtly. It’s never much at one time, but when you add it all up, the difference from when she started working there is staggering. She’s 16% below standard rate for her salary, health care employer contributions dropped from 85% to 70% while deductibles doubled, and she is responsible for 25% more work.


When teachers of our children who will be supporting us and trying to fix all the crap we’ve done to the world are paid the same amount as code jockeys like me, then they can declare victory. These awesome people have won a battle, but all of us need to help them win the war.

Vote. Don’t get pissy when taxes go up to build a new school. If you can donate items to your local public school, do so.


Don’t just vote in favor of public education, though. Vote against its enemies, which really extrapolates to the fact you should …

– Vote against Charter Schools (a racist system designed specifically as a counter to Federal Desegregation laws)
– Vote against Private Schools (Bastions of inequity and/or medieval religious belief that also weasel around Federal Desegregation laws)
– Vote against Home Schooling (which is solely for for anti-vaxxer and medievalist cranks, and redundant for anyone with a connected laptop), and
– Vote against private colleges (which are money-hoarding exercises in branding and customer service that confuse cost with quality, bill huge tuition while sitting on top of gross endowments and cheat people).

Education is too important for the profit motive to be allowed close to it, too collectively imperative to be splintered in the name of rich awful people and cannot – and should not – be treated like a SUPREME sweat-shirt, where a logo increases the price of the service 5,000%.


Victory. But how will this impact the Chicago defense budget? :thinking:


Does ‘The Wall’ go though Chicago?

I don’t know. I don’t seem to know anything these days. I remember when looking at a map would have helped. Happy days…

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Great. Next up Vancouver bus drivers.

When anyone gets upset that a union person gets some kind of “sweet deal” and “I don’t get that at my job”, my response is “why not?” If the answer is “well, my employer would never do that,” I then ask “well, now that you’ve successfully identified the problem, why are you taking it out on the people who found a solution, as opposed to the ones who are actually taking advantage of you?”

If someone else’s terms of employment are so much better than yours and you feel they don’t deserve better than you, you may actually be right. The trick is making sure you get it as good as them, not that they get worse than you.


Oh, my sweet summer child…you probably don’t want to know about what they’ve done to the regulations about having nurses in nursing homes, either.

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Huh? Education should only be the bastion of the state? Are you asking for a 1950s Chinese/Russian education system? Are you aware that many CTU teachers send their children to private school? They also send their children to charter schools, like Walter Payton Prep.

Is there racism in the Chicago Public School System? I’ll leave that answer up to the voters who have placed the same political party in office for DECADES. They must be happy with the results?

As to profit; are you aware of the sweetheart pension deals educators receive? Yes, that pumps up the price of education. I’m not against a pension if they’re reasonable; that is, comparable to the taxpayers [that means us] who pay for the pensions.

I understand the fact of simply questioning the strike will not be popular on this board, but we should question union power too, in addition to governmental and economic power.

It’s still OK to ask questions, right?

No, I’m asking for a 21st century American system based in collective good and real equity. School is how a civilization passes in it’s values; that’s too important for profit, prejudice and privelege to fuck up. And any public school teacher who sends a kid to a private school is a Quisling who doesn’t deserve to teach.

If you’re saying teachers get paid too much or have too-cushy benefits, that is some Republican talking-point bulllshit.

It is still fine to ask questions. Just try and make them smarter.

No, I’m asking for a 21st century American system based in collective good and real equity. School is how a civilization passes in it’s values; that’s too important for profit, prejudice and privelege to fuck up.

Well, who wouldn’t want that? But it still remains there is profit, prejudice, and privilege because the systems are run by people who seek their selfish interests. I don’t see that changing anytime soon?

And any public school teacher who sends a kid to a private school is a Quisling who doesn’t deserve to teach.

Maybe so, but they’re doing it anyways! :slightly_smiling_face:

If you’re saying teachers get paid too much or have too-cushy benefits, that is some Republican talking-point bulllshit.

I’m not carrying the case for Republicans. In fact, I know what I’ll get if I vote Democrat. In my experience that’s not been the case with Republicans.

Teachers contribute 9% towards a pension; government [that’s us - for the people, by the people] contributes 39%. Wow, I wish my 401k had that kind of match!

Excellent pension payouts:

Maybe, just maybe, 1% of BoingBoing contributors/readers/commentators get those levels of benefits.I am not one of them. My guess is you are not either.

Thanks for sharing.

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