Child goes through X-ray baggage scanner

Originally published at:


The Effect of Gamma Rays on Jonah, Who Will be 25 in the Year 2000


X-ray baggage photography is certainly VERY unflattering.

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Lucky this was in China, here in the US his dad would never see him again.


Glad to hear it. Note that this should not be surprising. X-rays are an extremely weak carcinogen at imaging-level doses. Also, even if it eventually gave the kid cancer, it would take up to ~10 years to show up in forms like leukemia or lymphoma, and up to ~20 years to show up in solid tumors. I’m not sure what other effect it could have in the short term even in principle?

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If that was TSA theyd send the kid back through the machine to double check, then swab for explosive residue… :thinking:

So the spider that went through the machine with the child now has the strength and agility of a human?


If this is a precursor to making annoying children travel as hold baggage, I’m all for it.

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I suspect the TSA would make him open the child for inspection.


I don’t like the look of that ankle. Get an orthopedic doctor over here stat!

Unfortunately no, the spider has the ‘relative’ strength and agility of a human child.

I literally* almost did a spit take when I saw the words “but according to Quora” on my screen.

*Literally as in “While this commonly used expression is often used as a descriptive metaphor, rather than a description of events that actually happened, I am not speaking metaphorically in this specific instance” rather than its alternate use as a superlative.

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