… bringing them all back, including his, and starting the cycle anew?
These are amendments, Roy, not Commandments.
There can be more than ten.
And I bet one of his friends is black.
KAYLA MOORE: We also have many friends who are black.
REPORTER: Could we get their names and contact information, please?
Well, their lawyer is “a Jew”, so it only stands to reason.
I came here just to suggest –
– is certainly a feature, not a bug (where his supporters are concerned).
Came here for this; thanx
“intelligent design”
This is what makes the 2 party system so frustrating, I mean, in other places anti-abortion activists may end up creating a coalition with neoliberal libertarians, but they at oeast have to go through the motions. under 2 party, the parties get to pretend everyone in the party is on board with the entire platform even though it’s just a calcified coalition of “assholes that believe X” and “assholes that believe Y”
I’ll give Republicans the benefit of the doubt that they didn’t mean the most contemptible version of their comments when they afford Democrats the same courtesy. I’ll just wait for that.
50 years later, hikers come upon my corpse buried in the snow.
“Looks like he died waiting.”
Just a technical point here, but repealing the 13th amendment would not bring back slavery. For-profit prisons are in charge of that. Likewise, nobody would lose their voting rights if he repeals the 19th, until some state legislature said so.
EDIT: Plot for a novel: President Trump exhibits less and less lucidity, and there is talk of removing him from office. In response, his followers, many of whom are now judges, ram an amendment through exactly 38 state legislatures in the dead of a Saturday night, repealing the 25th Amendment. Weeks later, Vice President Pence and his drooling totem, Trump, go down in the same airplane with 13 lobbyists. Too late, everybody realizes there are no longer any rules of succession, and the First American War of Succession breaks out.
Also on the repeal to do list-- age of consent laws.
So, he’s not in favor of sovereign immunity?
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